Chapter 4: Basic Coastal Sediment Transport Mechanisms
The following sections are included:
Boundary Layers and Bed Shear Stresses
Coastal bottom boundary layers
Shear stresses on rippled beds
Shear stresses over flat movable beds
The log law for steady flow
The wave friction factor
Time dependent bed shear stresses
Sediment Parameters and Sediment Mobility
Sediment characteristics
Forces on sediment particles
The mobility number
The Shields parameter
Sleath's acceleration parameter
Infiltration effects
Initiation of sediment motion
Bedload and Sheet Flow
What is bedload?
Dispersive stress and the amount of bedload
Meyer–Peter and Müller type bedload formulae
The average speed of the bedload
Energy dissipation and bedload
Velocity moment formulae for sediment flux
Bedload and sheetflow transport in arbitrary flows
Bedforms and Hydraulic Roughness
Bedform growth and migration
Migration of natural bedforms
The continuity equation applied to bedforms
Bedforms migrating with constant form
Migration and growth of sinusoidal bedforms
Numerical issues with bed updating
Vortex ripples
Bedforms in combined wave current flows
Hydraulic roughness
The Motion of Suspended Particles
Sediment velocities and sediment orbits
Equation of motion for a suspended particle or bubble
The time scale of particle acceleration
Suspended particles in wave flows
Particles or bubbles suspended in vortices
Turbulence effects on settling of particles or the rise of bubbles
Reduced particle velocity variance due to selective sampling
Sediment Suspensions
What is suspended load?
The modeling framework for sediment suspensions
Near-bed reference concentrations
Sediment pickup functions
Sediment distribution modeling
The mixing length approach
Mixing length model of u(z) and c(z) for lm = λz and wm = γu*
Suspension under waves
Suspensions of cohesive sediments
Basic Sediment Transport Model Building
Two different families of transport models
Sediment Transport Outside the Surf Zone
Shorenormal transport
Shoreparallel transport outside the surf zone
Surf Zone Sediment Transport
Shorenormal transport
Shoreparallel transport
Swash Zone Sediment Transport
Swash sediment transport and the beach watertable
Concluding Remarks on Sediment Transport Modeling