The Salim Group: The Art of Strategic Flexibility
The following sections are included:
History of the Salim Group
The beginning
Early expansion and diversification
Designing the portfolio
Rapid growth in the 1990s
The Salim Group in Crisis
The Asian crisis
The Fall of Suharto
Facing reality
Ownership and Organization Structure of the Salim Group
Confederation under private holding
Controlling shareholders
Group size and structure
Management Practices of the Salim Group
Corporate identity: Portfolio
Management style
Management information systems
Human resources management
Corporate communications
Future Strategy
The axis of prosperity
Strategy implementation
One-million-dollar question
Annex 1. Salim Group overview before the Asian Crisis
Annex 2: Turnover of listed Salim Group companies (1994–2003)
Annex 3: Salim Group & Asian Crisis
Submitting assets to the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency
Annex 4: First Pacific Company: An example of ownership of the “Liem Investors”
First Pacific; long position in shares
Associated corporations; long positions in shares
Annex 5: First Pacific Company: An Example of Control through Board of Directors
Composition of the board of First Pacific (June 2003)