The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows:
Organisation of the 9th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry
Significance of Reactor Dosimetry for Reactor Safety
Evaluation of RPV Steel Surveillance Program in Japanese PWR: Radiation Embrittlement, Prediction
Verification of Neutron Fluence on VVER-440/230 Vessel of Unit 1 at Kozloduy NPP
Neutron Dosimetry in Extended Surveillance Program on the 4th Unit of NPP Dukovany
SIEMENS-KWU Experience in Evaluating Fluence Detectors Inside and Outside the RPV in German Light Water Reactor Plants
Atucha I Ex-Vessel Dosimetry
Reactor Dosimetry Aspects of the RPV Service Life Management at the PAKS NPP
Determination of Pressure Vessel Neutron Fluence Spectra for a Low Leakage Rovno-3 Reactor Core Using Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Calculations and Ex-vessel Neutron Activation Data
Thermal and Intermediate Neutron Spectrum Determination by Cd-Ratio Measurements with Activation Foils
Measurement of Low Energy Neutron Spectrum below 10 keV Inside Various Bulk Media with the Slowing Down Time Method
Measurements of Neutron Spectra at KUCA by Multiple Foil Activation
MoLLY-G Environment Behind CdO-Polyethylene Shielding
Gamma-Ray Spectrometry in Mixed Radiation Fields Using Stilbene Scintillator
The Experimental and Calculational Investigation of Radiation Fields in the SM High Flux Research Reactor
Establishment of New Irradiation Facilities at the Portuguese Research Reactor
The Materials Dosimetry Reference Facility Round Robin Tests of 237Np and 238U Fissionable Dosimeters
Factors Affecting Use of Fission Foils as Dosimetry Sensors
A New Method for Fast Neutron Dosimetry with a Circulating Liquid
Helium Gas Measurements for Neutron Dosimetry
Measurement of In-Core Gamma-Ray Flux Distributions by Using Optical Fiber with Scintillator
Simple, Quick and Precise Measurement of In-Core Neutron Flux Distributions by Using Optical Fiber with Scintillator
New Optical Methods of Reactor Dosimetry
Doppler Effect Measurement up to 2000°C in the Fast Critical Facility FCA
Design and Applications of Dual-Range Solid State Track Recorders for Reactor Neutron Dosimetry
Measurements and Analyses of 238U Capture to 239Pu Fission Rate Ratio and 238U Capture 235U Fission Rate Ratio at Fast Critical Facility FCA
The Measurement of Photofission Contribution to Fission Detector Results in the MDRF
A Method for Neutron Dosimetry in Ultrahigh Flux Environments
Development of Prompt Self-Powered Neutron Detectors for Characterization of Mixed Radiation Fields in Reactors and for Instantaneous Determination of the Power in a Fuel During Fast Transients
Development of a Method for the Determination of Manganese-54 in Long-Cooled Active Steel Samples
Measurement of Mass Attenuation Coefficient of 92mNb and 93mNb X-Radiation in Metallic Niobium
Application of Neural Network to Neutron Dosimetry Using Activation Foils
A New Approach for Unfolding PHA Problems Based only on the Bayes’ Theorem
Simultaneous Neutron and Gamma Spectrum Adjustment
Simultaneous Adjustment of Cross Sections by Critical-Mass Measurements and Pulsed-Sphere Experiments
Improved Validation of Neutron Spectrum Shapes at Nuclear Fission Reactors
Development of an Adjustment Library for the Kernel-Based Preview Program
Experiences with the Module STAYNL of the Neutron Metrology File NMF-90
Influence of Input Neutron Spectrum Covariances on Results of Pressure Vessel Neutron Spectrum Adjustments
Current Status and Upgrading Activity of Reactor Material Dosimetry in the Experimental Fast Reactor “JOYO”
Radioactive Air Effluent Emission Measurements at Two Research Reactors
Supplementary Investigation of the Calculated and Measured Gas Formation in Beryllium Samples Irradiated in the High Flux Materials Testing Reactor BR2
Investigation of LVR-15 Neutron Spectral Characterisation; Measurements and Calculations Comparison
Reactor Dosimetry for Irradiation Experiments Performed at the LVR-15 Research Reactor
International Neutron Metrology in the LVR-15 Research Reactor
ORPHEE Research Reactor Surveillance Dosimetry
Damage Energy Cross Sections of Charged Particles from Light Nuclides Irradiated with High Energy Neutrons
Analysis of Integral Experiment on Beryllium Slab with LANL and ENDF/B-VI Evaluations
Nuclear Heating Experiments for the Validation of the Fusion Reactor Shielding Performance
Calculation of Transmutations with Complex Error Monitoring on the Basis of Block-Triangular Matrix Presentation of Differential Equation System
Investigation of Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectra in a Blanket Mock-up of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)
Comparison of Calculated and Experimental Dosimetry Activities for Bechmark Neutron Fields
Sensitivity Analysis of Leakage Spectra from Iron Spheres
Experimental and Theoretical Studies on VVER-1000 Reactor Dosimetry
Experimental and Calculation Characterization of the Irradiation Facility KORPUS (Preliminary Results)
Interlaboratory VVER-1000 Ex-Vessel Experiment at Balakovo-3 NPP
WINES: Water Inelastic Neutron Scattering Experimental Study
Status of PKA, KERMA and DPA Files of JENDL
Revision of JENDL Dosimetry File
Measurements of Activation Cross Sections for the Neutron Dosimetry at an Energy Range from 17.5 to 30 MeV by Using the 7Li(p,n) Quasi-mono-Energetic Neutron Source
Influence of the Iron Multigroup Neutron Cross Section Libraries on the VVER Vessel Neutron Flux Evaluation
Status of Russian Dosimetry File
Consistent Vessel Fluence and PTS Embrittlement Uncertainties
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Embrittlement Data Base (EDB) and Dosimetry Evaluation (DE) Program
The Role of Gamma Rays and Freely-Migrating Defects in Reactor Pressure Vessel Embrittlement
Experimental Evaluation of the DPA Cross Section of Silicon by Making Use of Four Neutron Fields with Different Energy Spectra
Neutron Spectrum Effect and Damage Analysis of Pressure Vessel Steels Irradiations
Review of the Status of Reactor Vessel Embrittlement Prediction
Dosimetry in Support of the European Network AMES
Comparison of Three-Dimensional Neutron Flux Calculations for Maine Yankee
A Challenge to the International Reactor Dosimetry Community: Quantify Gamma-Ray Spectra
Gamma-Ray Leakage from a Critical Assembly
Benchmark of the Nuclear Heat Deposition in the NIST Liquid Hydrogen Cold Source
Validation of Neutron and Gamma-Ray Propagation Calculations Using DORT and a Coupled Transport Cross-Section Library on the NESDIP Experiment and PWR Cavity Benchmark Dosimetry
The Prediction of Fast and Thermal Neutron Dose Rates for the Pressure Vessels of Magnox Power Plants
Uncertainty of Silicon 1-MeV Damage Function
Calculations of Energy Partition for Neutron Induced Radiation Damage
Atomic Displacement Processes and Threshold Energies in Irradiated Alloys
Status of the NEANSC Subgroup Working on Improving the 10B(n,α) Standard Cross Sections
Fission Cross Section Measurements of Am-241 and Am-243 Between 0.1 eV and 10 keV with Lead Slowing-Down Spectrometer
Standardization of Neutron Energies at 2.413 MeV and 14.00 MeV
Systematic Evaluation of Fission Neutron Spectra for Heavy Nuclides
JENDL-3.1 and ENDF/B-VI Iron Validation on the (H2O/Fe) PCA-Replica Shielding Benchmark
Generation of a Coupled n-γ Multi-Group Library from JEF2.2 and Application to Shielding Problems
Evaluation of the 237Np Fission Cross-Section in the Energy Range 100 keV – 20 MeV
Helium Production Neutron Cross Section Data Library
Study of the 93Nb(n,n′)93mNb Reaction in Fast Reactor Neutron Spectra
Benchmarking of YAEC Pressure Vessel Fluence Calculations on Maine Yankee
252Cf Fission Neutron Transport Through an Iron Sphere
The Benchmark for the MCNP Gamma and Neutron Spectra Calculation in VVER Geometry
Neutron Streaming Environment at the White Sands Missile Range MoLLY-G Reactor Facility
High Speed Monte Carlo Codes for Neutron and Photon Transport Problems
New Directional Theta-Weighted (DTW) Differencing Scheme and Reduction of Estimated Pressure Vessel Fluence Uncertainty
Acceleration of Monte Carlo Reactor Cavity Dosimetry Calculations with the Discrete Ordinates Adjoint Function
Characterization of the Radiation Environment at the Army Pulse Radiation Facility with Monte Carlo
ASYNT – An Adjoint Synthesis Method for Neutron Irradiation Estimation on the Vessels of VVER/PWR Reactors
Calculations of a VVER-1000 Mockup with MCBEND
A Nondestructive Measuring Method for Assessment of Material Degradation in Aged Reactor Pressure Vessels
Evaluation of Surveillance Program in Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s BWRs
Systematic Evaluation of Surveillance Capsule Data
Surveillance Test and Integrity Evaluation of PWR Reactor Pressure Vessel in Japan Against Brittle Fracture
Overview of Results from Nuclear Power Plant Radiation and Temperature Monitoring with Equipment Lifetime™ Monitors and Contact Integrating Thermal Monitors
Intercomparison of LEPRICON (SN) and TRIPOLI (MC) Calculated and Measured Neutron Reaction Rates in the Ex-Vessel Cavity of SLB1
Ex-Vessel Fast Neutron Fluence Monitoring at NPP Dukovany
Study of Core Loading Patterns to Reduce Neutron Irradiation Dose for PWR Reactor Vessels
Three-Dimensional Correlations of Fast Neutron Fluence and DPA Within the Reactor Pressure Vessel and the Material Surveillance Capsules
Neutron Dosimetry for Material Irradiation Tests in JMTR
The Reaction Rate Distribution Measurements by the Foil Activation Method in the Prototype FBR MONJU
Use of the 93Nb(n,n′)93mNb Reaction for Dosimetry in the FFTF, EBRII, and HFIR Reactors
Fusion Dosimetry Based on Nuclear Heating Measurement with Microcalorimeters
Neutron Dosimetry of the BR2 Aluminium Vessel
Summaries of Workshop Meetings
Participants of the 9th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry
Author Index