Looking to the 21st Century
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Vector Potential, Gauge Field and Connection on a Fiber Bundle
Vibrational Spectroscopy of Ion Cluster
The Path of Zero Resistance: Past, Present and Future
Progress of Physics Research in China
τ-Charm Physics from the BES at the BEPC
Progresses in Physics Research at Heavy Ion Research Facility of Lanzhou (HIRFL)
Symmetries and Nuclei
Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility and Scientific Activities
Construction and Applications of the Taiwan Light Source
Low Energy Phenomenology and Unification
A Magnetic Spectrometer in Space for Extraterrestrial Study of Antimatter and Missing Matter on the International Space Station Alpha
Wu Li: From Past to Future
Applied and Interdisciplinary Physics
Nonclassical Translational Motion of Cooled Atoms
The Field-Induced Polymerization of Styrene and Ordered Reconstruction of Polystyrene Surfaces
Orthokinetic Mechanism in Acoustic Agglomeration and Fractal Dynamics
Advances in Biomedical Optics, Spectroscopy, Photonics and Tomography
Application of the New Technology of LSAMD in the Research of Ecological and Environmental Problem
The Best Value of Avogadro Constant
Analysis Au Content in Geogas Using SAD Technique
The Capillary X-ray Focusing System — A New Breakthrough of X-ray Optics in Nineteen Nineties — Some Research Achievements in China
Observation of Berry's Phase at Single-Photon Level by Use of an Optical Fiber
Some Inverse Problems in Condensed Matter Physics
Neutron Scattering Applications in the Petroleum Industry
Feasibility Study of NIR Medical Imaging for Brain Hematoma and Breast Tumor Detection
Excitonic Optical Bistability in ZnSe–CdZnSe MQWs Optical Bistable Device on Reflection at RT
Fentosecond Studies on Optical Nonlinearities of PAN–PMMA Blend
Thermal Lens Effect Coupled Magneto-Optical Effects in a Ferrofluid
The Physics of Life Evolution — The Evolution of Genetic Code and Gene Sequences
A Study of Mechanism of Biological Effect on Plants Caused by Ion Implantation
Biological Photochrome Bacteriorhodopsin Film Based Photon Transistor and Photonic Application
The Effect of Low Dose Fast Neutrons Irradiation on the Growth of Tilapia Nilotica and Chicken
Effects of Physcial Factors on Growing Processes of Plants
An Optimization Method for Designing Diffractive Phase Elements
Nuclear Microscopy Research at National University of Singapore
Application of Physics and Neural Networks in Financial Industry
Experimental Investigation on the Inversionless Light Amplification in Sodium
Nonequilibrium Statistical Theory of Fracture
Astrophysics and Gravity
An Introduction to the LAMOS Project
Recent Developments in Numerical Relativity
The Mechanism of Energy Transport and Instability in Electroweak Phase Transition
Neutron Stars and Strange Stars
Effect of Carbon and Oxygen Burning Rate on Supernova Explosion
The Clustering of Quasars
Numerical Solution of Relativistic Equation for Fast Rotating Objects
A Search for Abnormally Large Solar-Neutrino Coherent Scattering in Crystals
Gravitational Waves Detection Research at Zhongshan University
Gravitational and Particle Radiation from Cosmic Strings
Atomic and Laser Physics
The Elimination of Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Transfer by Strong CW Laser Field
Picosecond Optical Parametric Oscillator Pumped by a Passively Mode Locked TI: Sapphire Laser
Some Interesting Processes Using Highly Relativistic Particles in Crystals
Fractal and Chaotic Behavior in Atoms and Molecules
Emission Line Width of Laser Action in Random Gain Media
Laser Induced Ionization of Macro Molecules
Mechanics in Molecular Dimension
q Scaling of Cross Sections in Cq+ Ions Collisions with Hydrogen
Experimental Measurement of the Natural Radiative Life-Times of the 3d104snp1P1 Series in Sn Atoms
The Energy Spectrum of Electron in the Wiggler
Photoexcitation of Transition Ions of Unusual Valence in Laser Materials
Atomic Physics
Basic Studies on Atoms, Molecules and Clusters
Photoionization, Photoelectron, and Photodissociation Studies of Clusters and Radicals
Atomic Photoionization Dominated by Doubly Excited Resonances
Advanced Soft-X-ray Spectroscopies and Condensed Matter Physics Research
From Free Cluster to Cluster Assembles
Structure and Magnetism of Rhodium Clusters
Interference Effect and Coulomb Cluster Formation of Ion Motion in Ion Traps
Investigation on Double Rydberg States of Complicated Atom
Development of Electron Momentum Spectrometer in China
Distorted Wave Calculations of the Electron Impact Ionization Cross Sections of Si4+
An Atom Model Regarding to Spin–Spin Interaction
Condensed Matter and New Material
Fractional Dimension of Solids Studied by Optical Spectroscopy
On Physical “Fractals”
Pattern Formation in Electrochemical Deposition
Determination of Micro-Structure and Lattice Vibration for Molecular System with Laser Spectroscopy of Probe Rare Earth Ions
Photoelectron Holography Studies of Surfaces
Evidence for a Novel Stable Crystalline Structures of Water at Room Temperature and Normal Atmospheric Pressure
MR Imaging Using 129Xe or 3He Gas of Laser-Enhanced Nuclear Spin Polarization
Theoretical Model of NMR Line-breadth of Strong Paramagnetic Ions in Solution
On Cross-Sectional Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Carbon Nanotubules
Evidence of Grain Refinement in Highly Undercooled Ni70Cu30 Alloy
Nonlocal Effects on the Optical Response of a Surface with Roughness
Photonic Gaps and Photonic Crystals
Studies of the Amorphisation Reaction and the Structure Properties of Some Alloys
Hierarchical Mobility Edges in a Class of One-Dimensional Generalized Quasi-Lattice
The Electronic Localizations of Ni–Cr Quasilattices
Structure and Magnetic Properties R2Fe17-xGaxCy Compounds
The Magnetic Properties of Granular Films
Specific Heat Anomaly in Very Weak Itinerant Ferromagnet Fe2N
Frequency Resonance of Electrolyte and Nonlinear Dielectric Properties
Critical Behavior of the Frenkel-Kontorova Model with Various Potentials
Structural Modes in the Frenkel-Kontorova Model
Practical and Algorithmical Manifestations of Quantum Chaos
The Cavity Method: A New Approach to Neural Network Analysis
Evolution of Solitary Modes in Anharmonic Molecular Lattice Models
Novel Results from the Monte Carlo Simulation of a Coupled XY Model
Theory of Visco-Elastic Internal Friction and Its Application to Phase Transitions
The Local Sine-Gordon Model
The Critical Exponents of the 1D Continuum Heisenberg-Ising Model
Studies on the Structure of Nanocrystalline Tin Oxides
Laser-Based Mild-Infrared Generation by Optical Parametric Frequency Down-Conversion
Hydrogen Adsorption Induced Phase Transitions on Si(100)-C(8×8) Studied by Leed
Free Electron Laser and Synchrotron Radiation
Free Electron Radiation and Beijing Free Electron Laser
SR-TXRT Experiments at BSRF
Diffuse X-Ray Scattering Station of Beijing Synchrotron and Its Applications to X-Ray Scattering of Amorphous Multilayers
Study on the Structures Under High Pressure with Synchrotron Radiation at BSRF
An EXAFS Study on Local Structure of Liquid Germanium
Status of the Hefei Light Source (HLS)
The Progress of SRPES Studies on the Surface and Interface of Semiconductor at NSRL
Scientific Activities at National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
X-ray Laser Experimental Investigation
Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Lithography at IHEP
A New Perturbative Approach to Atomic Processes in Strong Laser Fields
High-Tc Superconductivity
Recent Developments in High-Tc Superconductivity
Harmonic Frequency Mixing at Millimeter Waveband Using High Tc Josephson Junction
High-Temperature Superconductors Electronic Structure and Superconducting Gap Probed by Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
The Origin of Superconductivity: A New Pairing Mechanism
The Momentum Distribution Functions in the Hubbard Model at Half-filling: Some Rigorous Results
Fermion-Spin Approach to Study the t-J Model
Microscopy Theory of the Vortex-Lattice State for D-Wave Superconductors
Liquid Crystals and Polymers
Shape Problem in Biomembranes and Smectic Liquid Crystals: Renewal of Poisson's Theory of Surface Elasticity
Phase Transitions in Thin Liquid-Crystal Films
Theory and Simulation of Strongly Interacting Dipolar Fluids: Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, Ferrofluids and Electrorheological Fluids
Electroclinic Effects Near the SA – S*C Transition in a Homogeneously Aligned SA Cell
A Study of Homeotropically Aligned Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals by Means of Half-Leaky Guided Modes
Studies of Polymer-Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Texture Films
Conformation of Randomly Branched Polymers
Growth Properties of Cubic Boron Nitride Films Deposited by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Mathematical and Applied Physics
Symbolic Dynamics and Knot Theory
The Role of Quasinormal Modes in Open Systems
The Full Solution of Independent Oscillator Model and the Properties of the Environment
Gauge Structure of Quantal System under Berry's Connection
The Interpretation and the Supplement of T. D. Lee's Discrete Quantum Mechanics
Direct Quantization from the Lagrangian of a Classical System is Made Possible by Finding a Schrodingerian Real Wave Equation
An Investigation of the Magnetic Artificial Structures
Colossal Low Field Magnetoresistance in La-Ca-Mn-O Ceramic Thin Films
Composition Dependence of Giant Magnetoresistance in (La1-xYx)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)
The Interactions of NdFeB Magnet and Al at Elevated Temperatures
Theory of GMR of Magnetic Trilayer
Mathematical and Computational Physics
Computer-Aided Materials Design and Solid State Theory
A Finite Element Approach to the Two-Skyrmion Problem
Viscous Boundary Layer Measurements in Rayleigh-Bénard Convection
Incoherent Photon-Correlation Velocimetry and Its Applications in Turbulent Convection
Hypertranscendental Physics
TSPIXEIII — A New Program for PIXE and μ-PIXE Spectra Simulation of Inhomogeneous Thick Target Analysis
Electronic Structures and Band Offsets of Wurtzite Compound Strained-Layer Superlattice Interface GaN/AlN
The Effective Thermal Conductivities of Fibrous Composites Using the Local Fractal Technique
Radiation Principle, Generalized Functions and Assumed Damping
Mathematical and Nonlinear Physics
The Mass Term of a Non-linear Gauge Field Lagrangian
Double-Chain Localization in the Presence of Random Flux
Electronic Configurations of Atomic Elements
Tranverse Spatial Modulation of a Gaussian Beam in Photorefractive BaTiO3:Ce
Solitary Excitations in Two-Dimensional Quantum Antiferromagnets
Crystallization of Non-Crystalline Silicon and Fractal Structure
On-off Intermittency in Random Map Lattices
A Nonlinear Dynamical Model of Ion Channel in Cell Membrane
The Elementary Report of Experimental Research on Nonlinear Behaviour of Heart System
Numerical Solution of Time-Delayed Dynamic Systems
Unified Mathematical Model for Physics Realizing Thought of Leibniz and Mach
A Study of Atom Dynamics of Solid Surfaces and Manipulation of Atoms
From Amorphous Solids to Nanocrystalline Materials
Electronic and Structural Properties of Nanotubes
Thermal Degradation of Patterned Surfaces
Silver Clusters on SnO2 Thin Film Surfaces and Their Application to Gas Sensors
Statistics of Scattering States in Quantum Dots
Microstructure Properties of Nanocrystalline Silicon Films
Effect of High Pressure on the Properties of Several Nanoscale Solids
Nanomicrostructure of Sn Oxide
Quantum Dot Effect of Nanocrystals in Nano-Silicon Film
Interface Effects in Hydrogenated Nanocrystalline Silicon Films Prepared by PECVD
Nuclear Physics
Search for Quark Matter with PHENIX at RHIC
Particle Production Measurements by E802/E859/E866 and Recent Results from NMA in 196Au + 196Au Collisions at 11.6 A.GeV/c
Recent Results of E866 on Hadron Production in Au + Au Reaction at AGS Energies
Exclusive Charged Pion Photo-Production in 12C
Comparison of High-Spin Band Structures in 184Hg and Other Nuclei
First Observation of Mass Dependence of Reaction Time in 19F + 51V Reaction
Dynamic Realization of Statistical State in Finite System
The Multi-Fragmentation in Hot Nuclei at IMP
The Level Structure of Transitional Neutron-Deficient Nuclei
The Production and Mass Measurement of Nuclei Far from Stability Via Exotic Transfer Reaction
The Collective Excitations in Nuclear Matter
The Neutron Shell Structure Study by Means of 96Zr(d,t) 95Zr Reaction
Experiment of Neutron Multiplication in LEAD
A Library of Nuclear Basic Data and Nuclear Model Parameters
Particle and Nuclear Physics
Physics Goals of a μ+μ- Collider
Test of CP, T and CVC in Tau Decay Using the Tau-Charm Factory Proposed in Beijing
Strange-Beauty Meson Production by Fragmentation in Proton-Antiproton Collisions
The Instrumental Charge Asymmetry of Tracking Detectors in Strong Magnetic Field
Orbiting Valence Quarks and Spin Asymmetry in High Energy Collisions
The Way of Perturbative QCD
Measurements of the Diboson Productions at Tevatron, Fermilab, with D∅
A More Possible Dibaryon
The Study of GDR at HI-13 Tandem
Antiproton-Nucleus Scattering
Particle Experiments
Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Research
Accelerators for High Energy Physics Research
Physics Opportunities at the Large Hadron Collider
Deficit of Solar Neutrinos, Status and Prospect
The Sudbury Neutrino Obsevatory
Results on Deep Inelastic e±p Scattering from Zeus at HERA
Discovery of the Top Quark at CDF
Kinematic Top Analyses at CDF
Particle Theory
Lattice Gauge Calculation of QCD
String-like Feynman Diagrams
From Fractional Statistics to M-Statistics
Superstring and Grand Unified Theory
Origin of Yang–Mills Fields
Solutions of Classical Yang–Mills Equations in 2+1 Dimensions
A Unified Effective Theory of Mesons from the Bargmann-Wigner Covariant Superfields
Yang–Mills , Yang–Baxter, and Yangian Algebra: Bi-Module Fields and Quantum Group Difference Equation
Chirality in the Early Universe
Form Factors of Quantum Sine-Gordon Field with Boundary
A Reinterpretation of the Exotic Event Observed in the Cosmic Ray at Yunan Cosmic Ray Station
Longitudinal/Goldstone Boson Equivalence and Phenomenology of Probing the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
Rare Decays of K and B Mesons
Mass Hierarchy
CP Violation as a Consequence of Quantum Mechanics
Particle-Antiparticle Mixing and Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix
A Finite Group Analysis of the Quark Mass Matrices and Flavor Dynamics
A Possible Explanation of the Negative Values of m2νe Obtained from the β Spectrum Shape Analyses
Remarks on KM Matrix and Horizontal Symmetry
Physics in the Tau-Charm Energy Region
Parity-Violating Nuclear Force and QCD Sum Rules
Perturbative QCD and Parton Structure of Hadrons
1/M Corrections to Baryonic Form Factors in the Quark Model
Structure of Proton and Chiral Quark Model
Mass Bounds in Mirror-Fermion Models
What do the Striking Features of the HERA-Data Tell Us?
A Study of Spin-Orbit Force in Quark Potential Model
Theoretical Explanation of the EMC Effect
Double Beta Decay and Neutrino Mass
One Starts for Yue, But Arrived Yesterday — From Wormhole to Time Machine
The Bc Meson and Some of the Related Problems
Heavy Quark Symmetry and Chiral Dynamics
Some Top Quark Phenomenology
b → sγ Decay in the Two Higgs Doublet Model
Eight-Vertex Solutions of Colored Yang–Baxter Equation
Plasma Physics
10th Anniversary Celebration
Raman Scattering of a Subpicosecond Relativistic Laser Pulse in a Rarefied Plasma
Observation of Coulomb Crystals, Liquids, Gases, and Density Waves in Dusty Plasmas
Tokomak Research Program Arising from MT-7
Recent Results from Deuterium-Tritium Plasma Experiments on TFTR
Magnetic Field Geometry and the α, β Coordinate System
Relativistic BBGKY Theory and Collision Integral of Boltzmann Equation in a Magnetized Relativistic Plasma
Ion Orbit Width Effect on Magnetoacoustic Cyclotron Instability
Control of MHD Instabilities in Tokamaks
Plasma Wave and Instability Under Magnetic Trapping Non-Local Effect
Theory of Alfven Waves in Magnetized Plasmas
Diagnostic of Radio Frequency Glow Discharges in Pure Silane
Experimental Studies on Nonlinear Laser-Plasma Interactions and Hot Electrons
Resonance Nonlinear Negative-energy Mode and Instability of Steady Wave Packet
Experimental Study on the Discharge Characteristics in a Multicusp Microwave-Cavity ECR Source
ICF Target Physics Study on Shenguang Laser Facility
Study on Formation of Luminescent nc-Si Films by Post-Treatment
Influence of Interface Structure on Phonon Modes in Quantum Well Structures
Photoluminescence Studies of Quantum-Confined Stark Effect in a (511)-Oriented In0.5Ga0.5As/GaAs Quantum Well
Supersymmetry and Electron-hole Excitations in Semiconductors
Measurement of the Defect Capture Potential of GaAs Compound and Instantaneous Optical Electronic Resistance
Induced Emission of Multiple Photons in ZnSe-ZnCdSe Super Lattice
Multiple Non-Exponential Decay Mechanisms by Capture of Photo-Induced Excess Electrons in Heterostructures
Absorption Spectrum and Changes in the Induced Refraction Index of Gallium Arsenic
The Electronic Structure of Molecule and Solid C60
Physical Properties of Si/Ge Quantum Wells Studied by Electrical Measurements
Photoluminescence Study of C60 Doped Polystyrene
Reactions and Relaxation Dynamics of Photoexcited Electrons at Metal/Semiconductor Surfaces
Wavelength-Tunable Semiconductor Lasers and Detectors Using an Integrated Micromachined Movable Mirror
Multiple Source Quantum Well Model of Porous Silicon Light Emission
Optical and Electrical Characteristics of Fluorine Implanted a-C:H Thin Films
Strongly Correlated Electrons and Mesoscopic Systems
Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in a Generalized Anderson Model
Theory of Resonant Neutron Sattering in the High-Tc Superconductors
Fractional Exclusion Statistics, Generalized Ideal Gas and Strongly Correlated Electrons
Persistent Currents in Mesoscopic Normal Metal Rings
Observation of Conductance Quantization of Metallic Ballistic Point Contacts at Room Temperature
Weak Localization in Chaotic Versus Non-Chaotic Cavities: A Striking Difference in the Line Shape
The Quantum Theory of Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in Strong Modulation
Persistent Current of One-Dimensional Perfect Rings Under the Canonical Ensemble
Polaronic Effects on the Interface Electron in Parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields
Application Studies of SRXRF Microanalysis
A New Approach to Linearized Fokker-Planck Equation
Observing Phase Objects by the Method of Multi-Beams Interference
Research on the Upconversion Luminescence of Tm3+ Ion in Crystal and Amorphous Pentaphosphate Material
Measurement of an Excitation Function at 0° for the Elastic Scattering 12C Particles in the Bombardment of 31P and 35Cl on 12C
Spectroscopic Investigation of a Microsecond Plasm Opening Switch Using a Novel Seeding Technique
Applications of Sputter Initiated Resonace Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer in Analysis and Preparation of New Functional Materials
Dynamic Scaling Behavior in First-Order Phase Transitions Under a Linear Driving External Field
Application of Non-classical Effects of Light Field in Quantum Optical Communication
Powder Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Magnetic Structure of Ho2Fe9Gas8-xAlx(x = 2,4 and 6)
Unified Model Accommodating Three Generations of Fermions
Study on Condensed State Structure of Polypropylene Filled with Al(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2
Anomalous Emission of Neutrons and γ Rays in Light Charged Particle Accompanied Fission of 252Cf
The Excitation Process of ZnS: Mn2+ Thin Film Electroluminescence
Secondary Extinction of X-ray and Neutron Diffraction in Mosaic Crystals
Synchrotron Radiation Topography and Its Application in Material Science
The Study on Morphologies and Structures of Diamond Films Synthesized on Cemented Carbide Substrates
Peierls Transition in a Strongly Electronic Correlated Quasi-One-Dimensional Organic Solids
The Space Distribution of Lyman α Forest
New Determinations of the Half-Lives of 79Se and 126Sn
Luminescent Materials of Coordination Compounds
Gravitational Radiation from Composite Toroidal Electromagnetic Resonant System
Lifetime Measurements of the Yrast States in 128Ce
High Tc Superconducting Infrared and Submillimeterwave Detector
The Calculation of the Ground State Energy and the Structure of the Molecular Trimers Using the Few-Body Method
Non-Factorized Parts of Four-Quark Condensates in a QCD Motivated Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
The Relationship Between the Storage Ability and Irradiation Temperature about BaFCl: Eu2+ Phosphors
Ion Implantation to Fabricate Quantum Wire Arrays in Active Region of Semiconductor Laser
Continuum Energy Emission from PG Quasars
A Study of Anodized AlxGa1-xAs by XPS and AES
Effect of Symmetry on Structures of Three-Fermion Systems
Application of LEAFS in Trace Element Analysis of Real Sample
New Rutgers' Formula and Thermodynamic Parameter β in the Superconducting Transition
Observation of Zeeman and Hyperfine Coherences Induced in Rubidium by Diode Laser
Critical Phenomenon in a Dynamical System with a Delayed Feedback
Hydrogen Content and Si-H Bonding Mode in High Rate a-Si:H Films
The Electronic Structure of the Clean and Alkali-Metals Adsorbed CdTe(111) Surfaces
Angular Anisotropies in Sub-barrier Fusion-Fission Reactions
New Neutron-Rich Nuclide 209Hg
Laser-Induced Thermoelectric Effect at Room-Temperature in YBa2Cu3O7-δ Films
3-D Shape Measurement Using Shearing Interferometry and Virtual Grating
Study of High Spin States in Odd-odd 162Lu Nucleus
Model for Solar Flare Loop Interaction
Research on Surface Protection Technology of Permanent Magnet NdFeB
Universal Nature of Nuclear Multifragmentation
pp → Wγγ + n – jet + X Processes as Backgrounds to the Associate Higgs Production Channel pp→tˉtHX
The β-Delayed γ-Rays of 90Ru
Photo-Induced Absorption in Photorefractive Crystal BSO at Low Temperature
Theoretical Consideration of Strain Relaxation Mechanism in SiGe Graded Thin Films and Superlattices