Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technology
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Keynote Address. Environmental Technologies: Past, Present and Future
Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment
Keynote Paper. Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies
Simple, Quick and Accurate Surrogate Water Quality Parameters for Universal Water Quality Management
Novel Photocatalytic Reactors for Water Purification
Field Investigations and Control of Pollution in Water Resource Projects
Application of Prefermenters to Aid Biological Nutrient Removal from Domestic Wastewater
Energy from Wastewater and Nitrogen Inhibition
Multistage Ferrous Modified Biofiltration for Removal of Ammonia from Aquacultural Water
Comparison of Membrane Hybrid System with Nanofiltration in Organics Removal
Characterisation of Selenium Bioavailability by Two Sequential Extraction Methods in Sediments from An Estuarine Lake subject to Anthropogenic Selenium Inputs
Biosorption of Heavy Metals from Wastewater Using Australian Biomass
How Does Activated Sludge Settle?
The Removal of Metal Ions from Solutions Using Carbonaceous Sorbents
Prediction of Particle Collection Rates in Granular Filters of Liquid Suspensions
Effects of Media Surface Texture on Anaerobic Packed-Bed System
The PETRO System: Energy Requirement and a Few Typical Applications
Microbial Processes Underlying High Performance of the PETRO System and its Trickling Filter
Treatment of Winery Wastewater in a Reactive PU-Immobilised Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor
Utilization of Waste Bamboo Dust in Treating Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent
Effect of Formic Acid on the Yield of Bioplastic from Palm Oil Effluent
Wet Air Oxidation of Desizing Wastewater from the Textile Industry
Biomass Minimization in an Extractive Membrane Bioreactor for Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Air Pollution and Air Toxics Control
Emission of Air Toxics from Power Plants and Control Options
A New Approach to Flue Gas Desulfurization and Sulfur Utilization
Development and Pilot Scale Test of Activation Calcium Hydroxide Sorbents for Dry Flue Gas Desulfurization
Decomposition of Nitrogen Oxides over Zeolite-supported Catalysts: Effect of Oxygen and Methane
Estimation of C02 Emissions by the Gray Model and Mitigation Strategies
A Compact Dilution Tunnel for the Characterization of Transient Diesel Particulates
Removal of Methyl Iodide by a Triethylenediamine-impregnated Carbon Bed
Modelling of the Removal of Livestock-related Airborne Contaminants via Biofiltration
Current Situation of Air Pollution in Hochiminh City — Vietnam
Application of Mapping for Assessment of Air Pollution in Big City
Predicting Odours Dispersion from a Source Near Ground by Using the k-ε Turbulence Model
Classification of Air Quality Monitoring Stations in the Sydney Region
On the Mechanism of Sulfur Capture During Coal Briquette Combustion
High Gradient Magnetic Filtration of Cupric Oxide and Fly Ash Particles
Numerical Simulation of the Swirl Flow Pattern and Grade Efficiencies in Gas-Solid Separators
Filtration of Mists on Nonwettable Fibrous Filters
Energy Efficiency and Management
Evaluation of Energy Savings on a Heat-Integrated Distillation Column
On Development of a New Distillation Column for Energy Saving: On Design of an Ideal Heat Integrated Distillation Column (HIDIC)
On Development of a New Distillation Column for Energy Saving: A Fundamental Experimental Research on Mass and Heat Transfer in HIDIC
The Vortex Effect in Transfer of Energy
Application of the Advanced Zone-by-Zone Method in Computation of Furnaces Firing Fossil Fuels
The Use of Combustion Additives for Combustion and Emission Control in Industrial Boilers: Case Studies in Thailand
Segregation Potential in Gas Fluidized Beds
Membrane Based Gas Separation: Potential Energy Recovery and Greenhouse Abatement Applications
Keynote Paper: Long-term Energy Development Strategies in a Newly Industralized Economy
A Systems Approach to Energy Intervention Design — Role of Women in Domestic Energy Systems
The Case for Lighting Controls and Energy Efficient Lighting Strategies
A Model for Raising the Building Energy Efficiency Standards and Practices in Singapore
New Ventilation Standards for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) vs Energy Conservation: Enthalpy Wheels Meet the Challenge
Renewable Energy and Alternative Fuels
Biomass for Energy Needs of Indian Rural Population
Computer Simulation of Power Generation from Waste Materials
Research for Solar Cells at R&D Center for Applied Physics — LIPI
Research on Cooling System Using Renewable Energy Sources in Indonesia
Process Design and Control Aspects of ETBE Synthesis
Solid Waste Management and Utilization
Accelerated Forced Aeration Composting of Solid Waste
Use of Shaftless Screw in Sewage Treatment Works — Singapore Experience
Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste
Keynote Paper: Marketable Products from Fly Ash and FGD Residues
Liquid Fuel from Fast Pyrolysis of Scrap Tyres
Circulating Fluidized Bed Gasification for Energy Recovery from Scrap Tyres
Utilization and Separation of Waste Coke-Slag Mixtures
Anaerobic Treatment of Leachate from Municipal Landfill
Utilization of Composted Livestock Waste for Growing Vegetables
The Prospects of Landfill Gas Utilization in Australian Cities
Smokeless Combustion: An Environmentally Clean Waste Disposal System of Wood Wastes by Incineration
Policy, Education and Economics
Keynote Paper: Chemical Engineering Approach to Global Environment Problems
A Case Study of Sustainable Development
Engineering Approaches to Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development in Multinational Joint Ventures: More than Culture
Practicum Projects: Educational Tool for Environmental Management
Environmental Management Planning: The University of Queensland Case Study
Decision Support for Rural Energy Planning
Cleaner Production and Waste Minimization
Biotransformations and Chemical Catalysis — A Life-Cycle Analysis of Chiral Epoxide Production
Microbial Synthesis of Biodegradable Plastics
Cleaner Production Strategies for the Food Industry: The Role of the UNEP Working Group
Cleaner Production — A People Perspective
An Environmental Impact Assessment Method for Pollution Prevention
Evaporation Loss of Gasoline from Storage Tanks and Distribution Systems
How Companies Can Become "Green" and More Profitable