Information, Statistics and Induction in Science
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Invited Presentations
First-Order Induction: Techniques and Applications
A Universal Regression Model
Discovering Theories of Discovering
Bayesian Inference and Inductive Inference
Does Algorithmic Probability Solve the Problem of Induction?
Classification Trees, Graphs and Rules
Use of Randomization to Normalize Feature Merits
A Heuristic Covering Algorithm has Higher Predictive Accuracy Than Learning All Rules
Single Pass Constructive Induction with Continuous Variables
An MDL Estimate of the Significance of Rules
Producing More Comprehensible Models While Retaining Their Performance
Constructive Induction of Cartesian Product Attributes
The MML Evolution of Classification Graphs
Estimation of Regression Disturbances Based on Minimum Message Length
Minimum Information Estimation of Linear Regression Models
Foundations of Statistics
The Evaluation of Model Selection Criteria: Pointwise Limits in the Parameter Space
Fuzzy Hypothesis Tests and Confidence Intervals
Maximum Expected Utility Principle: The Case Study of Information Retrieval
Multi-Layer Thinking in Logic and Probability
Fuzzy Gating and Its Application in Flow Cytometry
Induction in Medical Discovery: A Computational Simulation
Comparative Analysis of Amino Acid Sequences of Proteins Using Rough Sets and Change of Representation
Minimum Complexity Principle and its Application to Reconstruction of Molecular Phylogenetic Tree
Measuring Randomness by Rissanen's Stochastic Complexity: Applications to the Financial Data
Conceptual Difficulties with the Efficient Market Hypothesis: Towards a Naturalized Economics
Philosophy of AI
Chance Lowering Causes: Old Problems for New Versions of the Probabilistic Theory of Causation
Computer Based Life, Possibilities and Impossibilities
Symbolicism and Connectionism: AI Back at a Join Point
Scientific Discovery
Inductive Theories from Equational Systems
From Statistical Regularities to Concepts, Hierarchies, Equation Clusters and Rules
Minimum Encoding Inference
Ideal MDL and Its Relation to Bayesianism
The Likelihood Principle and MML Estimators
False Oracles and Strict MML Estimators
An Analysis of SMML from a Subjective Bayesian Perspective
Mixture Modeling
Estimating the Number of Components in a Normal Mixture
Comparison of Unsupervised Classifiers
An Algorithm for Unsupervised Learning via Normal Mixture Models
Comparing Bayesian Model Class Selection Criteria by Discrete Finite Mixtures
Mixture Model Clustering of Data Sets with Categorical and Continuous Variables
A Minimum Message Length (MML) Model for Software Measures
Author Index