The International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC '95)
The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows:
Welcome Address
Sun Zuxun
Opening Address
Song Jian
Li Qiyan
Zhou Guangzhao
Li Yulun
Y. Yamaguchi
Keynote Talk
Nuclear Physics - At the Frontier of Knowledge
1, Relativistic Nuclear Collisions
Fascinating New Fundamental Physics With Relativistic Heavy Ions: Extension of the Periodic System Into the Sectors of Strangeness and Antimatter
Formation and Diagnosis of Hot and Dense Matter in Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nuclear Collision: Equilibrated Exotic Fireballs
Hadron Spectra From Lead Collisions At 160 Gev Per Nucleon
Hot Dense Hadronic Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions
Analyses of Some Promising QGP Signals
ψ′ and J/ψ Suppression in High-Energy Nucleon-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
2, Mesons and Baryons in Nuclei
The Changes in Properties of Hadrons in Nuclei and Nuclear Matter
Mesons from Nuclear Collisions and Compressed Nuclear Matter
Nucleon-Nucleon Correlation and Relativistic Many-Body Theory
Intermediate-Energy Hadronic Physics with the AmPS-NIKHEF Facility
An Overview of Few Nucleon Systems
3, Hadron Structure and Quarks in Nuclei
Quark Model Description of Baryon-Baryon Interactions
Electron Scattering
Probing Nuclei with High Energy Hadronic Reactions
Aspects of the Nucleon Structure
New Measurement of the Spin Dependent Structure Functions of the Nucleon
Color Transparency
QCD Sum Rules and Nonleptonic Weak Interactions
4, Formauon and Properties of Hot Nuclei
Fast Multifragment Disintegrations of Expanding Nuclear Systems
Hot Nuclei in Reactions Induced by Heavy Projectiles, Protons and Antiprotons
Lifting the Nuclear Fog
Educible Emission Probabilities and Thermal Scaling in Multifragmentation
On the Formation of Fragments in Heavy Ion Collisions
5, Nuclear Reactions at Low and Intermediate Energies
Heavy Ion Reactions around Coulomb Barrier
Competition Between Fusionfission and Quasifission Near the Fusion Barrier
Focal Plane Polarimetery: Review and Prospects
Multistep Processes in Nuclear Reactions
6, Nuclear Structure
New Insights into Extremely Deformed Nuclei
Nuclear Structure Studies with Large Gamma-ray Detector Arrays
Universal Correlations of Nuclear Observables and New Signatures of Structure in Exotic Nuclei: A Review
Discovery of the Superheavy Elements 110 and 111 - Shell Stabilization in the Deformed Shell Z=108/N=162
Synthesis and Studies of Nuclei Far From Stability
New Insights From Neutron- and Proton-rich Nuclei Far From Stability
From 20Mg to the 100Sn Region: Beta-decay Studies of Proton Drip-line Nuclei
Nuclear Moment of Inertia and Blocking Effect
Monte Carlo Methods for Nuclear Structure
Properties and Applications of Hot Giant Resonances
Chaotic Motions in Nuclear Systems
7, Radioactive Nuclear Beams
Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics with Accelerated Beams of Radioactive Ions: A New Multidisciplinary Research Tool
Radioactive Beam Studies at RIKEN
8, Nuclear Astrophysics
Supernova Explosions, Black Holes and Nucleon Stars
From the Nuclear Physics Microscosm to the Astrophysics Macroscosm
9, Fundamental Interactions and Symmetries
Neutrinos and Dark Matters Studied by Nuclear Weak Interactions
Precision Experiments in Nuclear β-decay: A Look for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
The LSND Experiment
10, Experimental Techniques and New Facilities
CEBAF’S Physics, Commissioning and Future Plans
Physics and Experiments at RHIC
Heavy Ions with the Large Hadron Collider and the ALICE Detector
Physics with ELFE
11, Applied Nuclear Physics
A New Generation of Medical Cyclotrons for the 90’s
Possibility of Using Accelerators to Burn Nuclear Wastes
Condensed Matter Research with Thermal Neutrons
Advances of Nuclear Microprobes and Their Applications
Summary Talk
Summary of the International Nuclear Physics Conference in Beijing
Conference Program
List of Participants
Author Index