Photon '95
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Session A: Photon and Proton Structure
The Structure Function F2γ(x, Q2) at LEP2
A High-Q2 Measurement of the Photon Structure Function F2γ
A Measurement of the Photon Structure Function F2γ at an Average Q2 of 12 GeV2/c4
Measurements of the Photon Structure Function F2γ at large Q2 using the OPAL detector at LEP
On the Non-Perturbative Part of the Photon Structure Function
New Parton Distribution Functions of the Photon and Prompt Photon Production in γγ Collisions
Photonic Parton Distributions in Higher Order Analysis
A Comparison of Prompt Photon Processes and Two-Jet Processes in Hard Photoproduction
Photon and Proton Structure from Photoproduction
Measurement of the Gluon Distribution in Quasi-Real Photons at HERA
Measurement of the Proton Structure Function F2 and the Extraction of the Gluon Density at Small x
A Measurement of the Proton Structure Function F2(x, Q2) and the Gluon Density of the Proton at Low x
Session B1: Inclusive Processes: Charm Production
Study of Open-Charm Production in γγ Collisions at TRISTAN with the TOPAZ Detector
Charm Production in Two-Photon Processes
Measurement of the D*± Cross-Section in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP
Charm Production with the ZEUS Detector at HERA
Photoproduction of Heavy Quarks
Charm Production in Deep-Inelastic eγ Scattering to Next-to-Leading Order in QCD
Inclusive Charm Production at HERA and the Charm Content of the Photon
Session B2: Inclusive Processes: General
Jet Production in γγ Collisions at TRISTAN with TOPAZ
Large Transverse Energies and Jets in Hard Photoproduction at HERA
Study of the Photon Remnant in Resolved Photoproduction at HERA
The Fragmentation of Quarks in DIS and Strangeness in Photoproduction in ep Collisions at HERA
Comparison of γ*p Collisions with Hadron-Like Interactions
Multiple Interactions in γγ Collisions
Multiple Hard Interactions in γγ and γp Physics at LEP and HERA
The Gluon Trajectory in the Next to Leading Approximation
Modification of the Equivalent Photon Approximation for ‘Resolved’ Photon Processes
Session C: Exclusive Processes in γγ
Measurements of the Two-Photon Widths of the Charmonium States ηc, χc0, and χc2
A Measurement of the Form Factors of Light Pseudoscalar Mesons at a Large Momentum Transfer
Two-Photon Production of
Baryon PairsExclusive Two-Photon Production of Omega-Omega Meson Pairs
Two-Photon Exclusive Production of π+π- and K+K-
Two-Photon Production of Pairs of Vector Mesons at ARGUS
Observation of the Formation of the Tensor Mesons f2′(1525) and χc2 in Photon-Photon Collisions at LEP
Neutron Form Factors in the Time-Like Region: Results from the FENICE Experiment
The Large Momentum Transfer Behaviour of Meson-Photon Transition Form Factors
Form Factor of the Process γ*γ* → π0 for Small Virtuality of One of the Photons and QCD Sum Rules
Soft Pion Predictions Must Apply at Soft Momenta
γγ → π0π0 and η → π0γγ at O(p6)within Chiral Lagrangians from Bosonization of NJL Model
Lepton Pair Production in Tagged γγ Collisions at the L3 Experiment
Muon Pair Production in Tagged Two-Photon Interactions: Results from Delphi
Azimuthal Correlations in Two-Photon Processes
The Compton Background in Two-Photon Collisions
Session D: Diffractive and Elastic Scattering
Properties of Diffraction and Measurement of the Diffractive Structure Function in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Diffractive Hard Photoproduction at HERA and Evidence for the Gluon Content of the Pomeron
First Measurement of the Deep Inelastic Structure of Photon Diffraction
Comparison of Diffractive and Non-Diffractive Deep Inelastic Scattering
γp → Vp and γ*p → Vp
Elastic Photoproduction of Vector Mesons at HERA: The ZEUS Results
Exclusive Vector Meson Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at ZEUS
γp and γγ QCD Physics at High Energies
Screening Corrections and High Energy Photoproduction
Hard Photoproduction by Colour Singlet Exchange at HERA
The Total Photoproduction Cross Section and Its Decomposition
Session E: Future Directions
Current Status of Photon Colliders
Symmetry Breaking and Electroweak Physics at Photon Linear Colliders
On Measuring the γγ Width of the Intermediate Mass Higgs at a Photon Linear Collider
Physical Program for Photon Colliders
Two-Photon Physics at RHIC
Photon-Photon Physics with Heavy Ions at LHC
Photon-Photon Prospects at DAΦNE
Session F: Related Fields
Prompt Photon Production at DØ
Photon Radiation in the Dipole Model and in the Ariadne Program
Measurements of Charged and Neutral Current e±p Deep Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections at High Q2
Observation of the Top Quark with the DØ Detector
Measurement of Di-Boson Production at the Tevatron Collider
Session G: Summary Talks
A Theorist's Highlights
An Experimentalist's Highlights
After Dinner Light
List of Participants