Statphys 19
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
STATPHYS 19 — Opening Address
The Boltzmann Medal 1995
Conference Committees
Glass Transitions
Remarks about Some Developments in Statistical Mechanics
Directed Compact Lattice Animals, Restricted Partitions in Number Theory, and the Infinite-State Potts Model
Integrability and Structure in the 1/r2 Models
The Dilute Lattice Models and What They Tell us About Critical Behaviour
Statistical Problems in Theory of Knots and Noncomutative Random Walks
Inverse Problems in Statistical Physics and Möbius Inversion
Driven Lattice Gases: Typical Fluctuations and Large Deviations
Deposition and Evaporation of k-Mers: Dynamics of a Many-Sector Decomposable System
Randomly Charged Polymers: Excess Charge Dependence of Spatial Configurations
Self-Avoiding Polymerized Membranes
The Geometry of Critical Percolation and Conformal Invariance
Phyllotaxis: The Avoidance of Rationals and a Relation with Quasi-Crystals
Finite-size Scaling in the Asymmetric Six-Vertex Model
Quantum Impurity Models in condensed Matter Physics
Experimental Evidences of Differences Between Discrete and Continuum Percolation Models
Charge Frustration, Bicontinuity and Interfaces
Crystals in Random Media
Type-I Superconductors: A New Playground for Wetting Phenomena
Nonequilibrium Surface Tension Driven Phenomena
Simulated Annealing Methods under Analytical Control
Quantum Chaos and Localization: Band Random Matrix Approach
Application of Closed Time Path Green's Functions to Quantum Transport Theory
Systems out of Equilibrium: Exactly Soluble Models
Dynamics of Slip-and-Stick Fluctuations in a Random Growing Interface
Statistical Mechanics of River Networks
Multi-Interactions in Feed Forward Neural Networks
Vortex Transport and Fluctuations in High-Temperature Superconductors
Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin Systems and the High Temperature Limit of Continuum Quantum Field Theories
Replica Symmetry Breaking and the Renormalization Group Theory of the Weakly Disordered Ferromagnet
Waves in Disordered Media: The Intermediate Frequency Regime
Clustering, Hidden Coherence, Chaotic Itinerancy, and Information Cascade in Globally Coupled Dynamical Systems
Transient Chaos: A Type of Metastable State
Ordered Phases of Complex Fluids
Generalized Maxwell Model Equations for the Static and Dynamic Nonlinear Flow Behavior
Well-Tempered Sequences of Random Numbers for Reliable Large-Scale Monte Carlo Calculations
Glassy Dynamics
Macrodynamics of Disordered and Frustrated Systems
Towards a Theory of Anomalous Scaling in Turbulence
Chiral Potts Models: Exact Results and Implications
Numerical Simulations of Quantum Phase Transitions
Large Scale Simulations of Lattice Gas Models of Capillary Condensation and Wetting Transitions in Confined Fluids
Probability of Phase Separation for the Bose Gas with Delta Interaction
Generalized Ideal Gas and Strongly Correlated Systems
Statistical Physics and Protein Folding
Some Statistical Mechanics Aspects of Mitosis
Topics in Glass Transitions and Supercooled Liquids
List of Contributors
List of Oral and Poster Presentations
List of Participants
Subject Index