Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
I. Plenary Lectures
Foundations of the Langevin Equation
l/f Noise in Semiconductor Materials
High-Frequency Noise in Heterostructures
1/f-Like Fluctuations of Biological Rhythm
II. Mesoscopics
Noise in Mesoscopic Conductors and Capacitors (Invited)
Mesoscopic Fluctuations in Metallic Point Contacts (Invited)
Mesoscopic Phenomena in Ballistic Point Contacts: Non-Universal Conductance Fluctuations and Fluctuators Orginated by the Electronic Disorder (Invited)
Effective Electron Temperature and the Shot Noise in Diffusive Mesoscopic Contacts
Nonergodic Fluctuations Attendant on Transport Processes in Finite-Size Disordered Systems
Effects of Displacement Current on Quantum Noise
Shot Noise in Mesoscopic Diffusive Conductors in the Limit of Strong Electron-Electron Scattering
III. Low Dimensions
Noises in Correlated Tunneling Current (Invited)
Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Noise in Nanostructures (Invited)
Carrier Fluctuation Noise in n-Type Inversion Layers on a Silicon Surface Due to Intervalley Phonon Scattering
Field-Induced Microwave Noise in δ-doped GaAs
Photoconductive Gain and Generation-Recombination Noise in Quantum Well Photodetectors
Electric Transport Instabilities in Quasi-One-Dimensional Semiconductors
Huge Interacting Discrete Fluctuators in the l/f Noise of Charge-Density Waves
IV. Superconductors
Why is the Noise So Strong in High-Tc Superconductors? (Invited)
Resistance Noise in HTC Superconductors as a Function of Temperature and Magnetic Field
Low-Frequency Fluctuations in Semiconducting and Superconducting YBa2Cu3Ox Thin Films
Flicker Noise in YBa2Cu3O7-δ Bicrystal Junctions in Weak Magnetic Fields
Low-Frequency Noise of Y- and Bi-Based Superconductor Thick and Thin Polycrystalline Films
Flicker Noise in the Vicinity of Tc in C-oriented YBa2Cu3O7-x Films With Different Degree of Structural Disorder
Noise Problems of High-Tc Superconducting Bolometers
V. General Theory
Noise-Enhanced Two-Photon Absorption by a Nonlinear Oscillator
On the Level-Crossing Problem of Spherically Invariant Random Processes
Phonon Number Fluctuation of a Chain of Particles With Lennard–Jones Interaction
Properties of Level Crossing for the Gaussian Process Having Lorentzian Power Spectrum
The Effect of Fluctuations on the Kinetics of Phase Transitions of the First Kind in Physical Systems
Low Frequency Stochastic Properties of Quasi-Particles With Arbitrary Dispersion Relation in AC Electromagnetic and Constant Magnetic Fields
VI. Submicron Structures
Plasma and Transit-Time Effects on Electronic Noise in Semiconductor n+nn+ Structures (Invited)
Simple Analytical Model for Noise Under Near-Oscillatory Macroscopic Behavior of Submicron n+nn+ Diodes
Hot Electron Noise in GaAs at Extremely High Electric Fields
Modeling of Noise-Temperature Measurements in Submicrometer Semiconductor Structures
Spatial Correlation Between Local Diffusion Noise Sources in GaAs
Impedance Field Calculations in Submicrometer Structures
Monte Carlo Simulation of Hot Carrier Noise in Submicron n+nn+ Diodes
G-R Noise in Submicron Semiconductor Layers: Influence of the Edges
Monte Carlo Analysis of Non-Equilibrium Current Fluctuations Under Classical Size-Effect Conditions
VII. Hot Electrons
Contribution of Interparticles Correlations to Electronic Noise in Semiconductors (Invited)
The Effect of Carrier-Carrier Scattering on Velocity and Energy Fluctuations in Non-Degenerate Semiconductors
Monte Carlo Technique for Electron-Electron Correlation
Analytical Modeling of the Noise Temperature for Hot-Carrier Transport in Semiconductors
Magnetic Field Dependencies of Current Fluctuations in Tellurium
Influence of Generation-Recombination Process on Transient Regime and Noise Spectra in p-Si at 77K
Non-Poissonian Generation-Recombination Noise in Helium Glow Discharge
Kinetic Theory of Fluctuations in Non-Ideal Plasma
VIII. Noise Spectroscopy
Noise Spectroscopy of Band States in CdS Based Photoconducting Materials
A Tool for the Characterization of Energy Levels in Noise Spectroscopy Using Local Level Recharge by Minority Carriers
Noise Spectroscopy of Deep Levels in n+nn+ AlxGa1-xAs Devices
Noise Spectroscopy of Local Levels in Semiconductors
IX. 1/f Noise (Theory)
Quantum 1/f Noise Theory and Experiment (Invited)
1/f Fluctuations Due to the Mode Coupling in Nonlinear Systems (Invited)
On the Some Difficulty of Quantum 1/f Noise Theory
Coloured Noise, Inhomogeneous Conductivity and Fractal Feature in Amorphous Matter
X. 1/f Noise (Experiment)
Hooge Parameter of InP Microstructures and Heterostructures (Invited)
Flicker Noise and Material Defectness (Invited)
A New Tool for the Investigation of the Nature of 1/f Noise
1/f Noise in N-Type CBE InP
Surface Effects on the Low-Frequency Noise of Thin InP Layers
Noise Studies in High-Perfect Bulk Cadmium Chalcogenide Single Crystals
Longitudinal Motion of Surface Atoms Generates 1/f Noise in Discontinuous Platinum Films
1/f Noise in Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Layers
Nature of the Low Frequency Fluctuations in Submicron Size Systems
1/f Noise Sources in IMPATT's
Flicker Noise and Low-Frequency Nonequilibrium Conductivity Fluctuations in Thin Films TaxNy Resistors
1/f Noise in p-n Junctions and Diffusive Resistors Formed on Wafers Containing Swirl Defects
1/f Fluctuations of the Intensity of Radio Wave from Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources
Flicker-Noise in Solar and Terrestrial Processes
XI. Burst and RTS
Models of Burst and RTS Noise (Invited)
LF noise and RTS Investigations of 0.25 μm Gate n-MOSFETs
An Alternative RTS Noise Model for Forward Biased pn Junctions
Introduction to the Statistics of an RTS Process
Simple Model of Burst Noise
Stochastic Model for the RTS Noise in Submicron MOSFETs
XII. Modelling in Devices and Circuits
Noise Modeling of Microwave PHEMT and Experimental Comparisons
Calculation of High Frequency Noise of Semiconductor Devices Using the Generalized Ramo-Shockley Theorem and the Monte-Carlo Method
An Efficient Approach to Multi-Dimensional Impedance Field Noise Simulation of Bipolar Devices
Noise Wave Representation of the Basics of Transistor Noise
A New Approach to Calculate Low Frequency Noise Parameters of Electronic Devices
Time- and Frequency-Domain Descriptions of Noise in Nonlinear Circuits
XIII. MOS Transistors
The Gate Voltage Dependence of the 1/f Noise Parameter α in MOS Transistors (Invited)
Low Frequency Fluctuations and 1/f Noise in Scaled Down Silicon CMOS Devices (Invited)
Measurements of the High Frequency Drain Noise Currents in Short-Channel GaAs MESFETs and Si MOSFETs
Noise in Disordered Silicon Carbide Inversion Layers
Low Frequency Noise Behaviour in Buried Channel MOSFETs
Low-Frequency Noise Sources in Silicon-On-Insulator Depletion-Mode MOSFETs
Gate Oxide Nitridation Effects on the Noise Behaviour of Submicron MOS Transistors
XIV. Bipolar Transistors
Low-Frequency Noise in BJT's and HBT's (Invited)
Influence of Technological Parameters on 1/f Noise in AlGaAs/GaAs HBT's
Investigation of HF Noise Figure Reduction of SiGe HBTs Using Actualised Physical Models
Low Frequency Noise and Discrete Current Fluctuations in the Base Current of Si Bipolar Junction Transistors
The Effects of Emitter Geometry and Device Processing on the Low Frequency Noise of Polysilicon Emitter NPN Bipolar Transistors
Bonding Pad Effects on Modelling the High Frequency Noise Characteristics of Polysilicon Emitter NPN Bipolar Transitors
1/f Noise in Bipolar Transistors: Influence of Emitter Geometry, Edge Effects, and Current Crowding
1/f Noise in Polysilicon Emitter Bipolar Transistors: Impact of Reverse Stress Degradation
The 1/f Noise in High Frequency Bipolar Transistors
Small Signal Equivalent Circuit Analysis of Low Frequency Noise Correlation Behavior in Dual-Collector Bipolar Transistors
XV. Optical Devices and Systems
The Low Frequency Noise Spectrum of Porous Silicon Light Emitting pn Diodes
Correlation Between Electrical and Optical 1/f Noises in Laser Diodes as a Function of Series Resistance 1/f Noise
1/f Noise Experiment and Simulation of Semiconductor Laser Diodes
Sub-Poissonian Optical Behaviour Observed With a DFB Laser
Low-Frequency Noise and Tunneling Currents in HgCdTe MIS Infrared Detectors
Noise Properties of Amorphous: Si H-N.I.P. Diodes
The Amplified Spontaneous Noise Reconstruction of Er3+ Doped Waveguide
Noise Spectral Densities of Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers Pumped by 1.48 μm Laser Diode With No Input Signal
1/f Noise in Optical Fibers
Short Noise in a Hybrid Photomultiplier Tube
Spontaneous Generation of Picosecond Raman Solitons from Quantum Noise in Transient Forward Stimulated Raman Scattering
Installation for Measuring Fluctuations of the Radiation Intensity of Semiconductor Lasers in the Presence of External Optical Feedback
XVI. FETs, HEMTs and Other Devices
A Low-Frequency Noise Study of State-of-the-Art Silicon n+p Junction Diodes
The Coherence Between the Gate Current Noise and the Drain Current Noise in GaAs MESFETs
Low Frequency Noise in Silicon Carbide Junction Field Effect Transistors
Temperature Dependence of 1/f Noise in an InGaAs Super HEMT
Comparison of 1/f Noise Sources in Single-Well and Pseudomorphic HEMTs
Application of Low Energy Ion Bombardment to Modification of GaAs Schottky Barrier Electrical and Noise Characteristics
Flicker Noise in Tin Oxide-Based Gas Sensors
Measurement and Modeling of Noise in CCD Output Amplifiers
XVII. Low-Frequency-Noise Diagnostics
Excess Noise and Reliability in Electronic Devices (Invited)
Low-Frequency Noise Diagnostics of Radiation Effects in Silicon Devices (Invited)
Low-Frequency Noise Diagnostics of CMOS Technologies
Noise Analysis of Very Shallow Junctions in Silicon; Influence of Extended Defects
Subthreshold Excess Noise Behaviour in LDD Irradiated MOS Transistors and Its Application for Hardness Evaluation
Characterization of SiO2 Deposition by Low-Temperature Plasma and Photo CVD Using Low-Frequency Noise Measurements
Measurement of Electrical 1/f Noise as a Method to Study Defects in Thin Metal Films
1/f Noise and Quality of Power Transistors
Correlation Between 1/f Noise and Reference Voltage Degradation for Subsurface Zener Diodes
1/fα Noise and Electromigration in Al-Based Thin Film Interconnects
Electromigration Noise in Submicrometric Lines
A Comparison Between Resistance and Excess Noise Variation of Al-Si Stripes Under Direct and Bidirectional Current
XVIII. Biological Systems
Phenomenology and Mechanism of 1/f Fluctuations in Neuronal Activities of Cat's Central Nervous System (Invited)
Noise and Signal Transduction Across Voltage-Dependent Ion Channels of Alamethicin
Malignant Cells Controlled by 1/f Stochastic Magnetic Field
Large Scale Conductance Fluctuations in Solutions of Associated and Weak Electrolytes
Signal Processing, Noise and Stochastic Resonance in the Crayfish Caudal Photoreceptor Interneuron
A Further Study on 1/f Fluctuations in Cat's Inter-Heartbeat Intervals
The Structure of Noise in Cardiac Rhythm of the Human Organisms Depending on Environmental Factors
1/f and 1/f2 Spectra and Fetal Heart Rate Variability from 0.05 to 0.5 Hz After 21st Week of Gestation
Searching for the Low Dimensional Noise in the Heart Rate Data
Instruments and Methods of Flicker Reflex Therapy
XIX. Chaos and Stochastic Resonance
Noisy On-Off Intermittency (Invited)
Transition to Nonchaotic Behavior in Randomly Driven Systems: Intermittency and 1/f-Noise
Chaotic Fluctuations in Chua's Circuit
Induced Saddle Orbits and Conditions for Chaos Onset
Stochastic Phase-Lockings in a Piecewise-Linear Van Der Pol Oscillator Forced by a Sine Wave With Additive Noise
Bispectral Approach to Analysis of Chaotic Motion of Dynamical Systems
Control of Chaos by Extended Time-Delay Feedback
Dynamical Chaos in Zero-Dispersion Nonlinear Resonance
Fluctuations in Zero-Dispersion Nonlinear Resonance
Noise-Induced Amplification via Stochastic Resonance in Semiconductors
Significant Improvement of Signal to Noise Ratio by Stochastic Resonance
Chaotic and Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Semi-Insulating Semiconductors
Period Doubling Dynamics in Hadron Collisions From Transfer Matrices
XX. Miscellaneous
Model of the Mechanism of Acoustic Emission in Polycrystalline Ferrites
Noise in Long-Term Ozone Measurements Data Series
Author Index