Low-Level Measurements of Radioactivity in the Environment
The Table of Contents for the full book PDF is as follows:
Group Picture
Opening Address
I. Lectures and Invited Seminars
Low-Level Counting - A Historical Review
Background Components of Low-Level Beta- and Gamma-Detectors
Systems for Low-Level Beta- and Gamma-Counting
New Low-Level Counting Systems: CsI/Diode Scintillation Unit and a 4-Sample LSC System
Background in Ionizing Radiation Detection - Illustrated by Ge-Spectrometry
Underground Low-Level Counting
Low Level Gamma-Ray Measurements in a 225 m Deep Underground Laboratory
The Use of Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry for Low-Level Measurements
Low-Level Gamma Ray Counting Applied for the Investigation of Antiproton-Nucleus Interaction
Environmental Measurements of Radioactive Gases
The Radon Problem
Radioactive Aerosol Measurement Techniques in Ambient Air
Alpha Track Detectors (ATD) in Radon Measurements for Earthquake Prediction Studies
Natural and Man-Made Radionuclide Distribution in Soils of Cáceres (Spain). Dose Commitments Due to External Irradiation
Distribution and Transfer of Caesium Radionuclides in Forest Soils of Southern Germany
Investigation of Natural and Anthropogenic Radionuclides in Soil and River Sediment
Radionuclides in Phosphorous Industries; Input-Output Balances, Environmental Emissions, Characteristics and Enhancements
Fluxes and Technological Enhancement of Radionuclides in the Forest Industry
210Pb Dating Using the CRS-MV Model with Historical Data to Test and Evaluate Accuracy
14C in the Environment
Statistical Procedures for the Evaluation of Radioecological Investigations. Selected Examples
Spatial Data Analysis
Risk: A Hazard in Everyday Life
Simple Environmental Models for Radioactive Dispersal in the Marine Environment
Radio-nuclides as Indicators of Dispersion Pathways in Shelf Seas and in Estuarine Sediments
Modeling the Radionuclide Insult in Forest Ecosystems from Nuclear Accidents. I. Initial Concepts
Modelling the Production of Cosmogenic Nuclides in Extraterrestrial Bodies
Field Studies of Radiocaesium Sorbtion on Ammonium Molybdo Phosphate and Copper Ferrocyanide
II. Abstracts of Short Talks
List of Participants
Author Index