Multiphoton Processes
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Highlights From the Sixth International Conference on Multiphoton Processes
Recollections About Multiphoton Processes
Two-electron Atoms in Intense, Short Laser Pulses
Proof of Two-Electron Mechanism of Ba2+ Creation at the Ionization in Infra-Red Spectral Region
Calculations of Population Transfer During Intense Laser Pulses
Energy and Angular Distribution of Electrons in Tunnel Ionization of Atoms
Multiphoton Realization of SU(2) Algebra in Jaynes-Cummings Model
Multiphoton and Tunnel Ionization by an Optical Field with Polar Asymmetry
Light-Field Induced Radiative Correction to the Rutherford Formula for Coulomb Scattering
Multiphoton Detachment by Elliptically Polarized Laser Wave in Presence of Uniform Static Electric Field
Interaction of Charges Produced in Multiphoton Ionization of Low-Pressure Gas
Analytical Treatment of Atomic Ionization by Intense, Ultrashort Laser Pulses
Interaction of An Ultra Strong Laser Field with a Low Pressure Gaseous Target
Two Photon K-Shell Ionization of Chlorine Multiphoton Physics with X-Rays
Relativistic Photoionization With Circularly Polarized Light
Field-Induced Broadening of the High-Intensity Thomson Scattering Spectrum
Laser-Assisted Electron Scattering by a One-Dimensional δ-Potential
Quantum-Mechanical Theory for Multiphoton Processes Under Slow Collisions of Atoms in Terms of Quasimolecular Model Potentials
Potential Scattering of Electrons in a Bichromatic Laser Field of Freqences ω and 2ω or ω and 3ω
Four-Electron Atom in An Intense Laser Field
Artificial Double Peak Formation During High Field Ionization of Ar
Many-Body Processes on Atoms in a Strong Laser Field
Hard X-ray Emission and Nuclear Reactons Stimulated by the Laser Field of Relativistic Intensity
Theory of Nonlinear Interaction of Atoms With High Intensity Laser Pulses
Time Dependent Studies of Multiphoton Processes
Multiphoton Ionization in the R-matrix-Floquet Theory
Shelving of Population in Rydberg Wave Packets by Power Broadening
Relativistic Self-Focusing of An Ultra Intense Laser Pulse in a Plasma
Inelastic Electron-Hydrogen Atom Collision in a Laser Field
Spectral Shifting of Intense Picosecond Laser Pulses in Dense Gases
Comparison of Quasiclassical and Exact Dipole Moments for Bound-Free Transitions in Hydrogen
Observations of Interferences Between Optical Interactions
Laser Isotope Separation of Zirconium
Quantum Control and Experimental Realities
Laser Induced Molecular Formation (LIMF)
V → E Energy Transfer in Ethylene and Alkali Gas Mixtures Using IR Multiphoton Excitation
Enrichment of 13C by IRMPD of CF2HCl
Multiphoton Ionization Studies of UF6 and WF6
Rotationally Resolved 2 + 1-REMPI Spectroscopy of Hot CF Radicals
Bimolecular Multiphoton Processes
Adiabatic Stablization
Stabilization of Atoms in Strong Electromagnetic Field from a Classical Perspective
Stabilization From the Tunneling Limit to the Kramers-Henneberger Limit
Photoionization of Rydberg Atoms—Strong-Field Quasiclassical Theory
Effect of Rotations on Molecular Stabilization in High Intensity Photodissociation of
Studies of High Harmonic Generation at High Intensities
On the Spatial and Spectral Coherence of the High Harmonics
Laser Induced and Controlled Continuum Structure in the Vicinity of Autoionizing Resonances
Phase Control of Harmonic Generation
Harmonic Generation by N-Level Systems
High-order Harmonic Generation in Helium With a Femtosecond Ti:Sapphire Laser
Higher Harmonic Generation From a Metal Surface in a Powerful Laser Field
Where is the Harmonic Generation Cutoff?
High Harmonic Generation and the Two-level Atom
Super-dressed Two-level Atom: Very High Harmonic Generation and Multi-resonances
High-order Harmonic Generation and Propagation
Harmonic Generation From Stabilized Atoms
High-order Harmonic Generation and Bound-Bound Transitions
High Harmonic Generation and Correlated Two-Electron Multiphoton Ionization With Elliptically Polarized Light
High-order Harmonic Generation in Argon By Elliptically Polarized Picosecond Dye Laser Pulses
Spatial Profiles of High Order Harmonics Generated by a Short Pulse LiSAF Laser System
Multielectron Dissociative Ionization of Simple Molecules in Intense Laser Fields
Multiphoton Ionization and Dissociation of Molecules in Strong Laser Fields
Spatial Imaging of Photoelectrons Formed in Strong Fields
Quantum Electrodynamics of Resonance Scattering of Intense Short-wave Laser Radiation by Diatomic Molecules
Molecules in Strong Laser Fields: Why Are the Fragments Aligned?
Quasi-Coulomb Explosion Model of Multiply Ionized Diatoms
Aborbing Boundary Conditions in Wavepacket Dynamics of Laser Driven Molecules
Laser Control of Molecular Processes: Resonant Excitation in a Thermal Environment
Strong Field Coherent Control
Control of Ring Puckering Isomerization by Intense Nonstationary Laser Field
Coherent Phase Control of the Photodissociation of HOD
Multiphoton Detachment of Negative Ions
Computer Experiments on Two-electron Systems in Intense Laser Fields
Detachment of H- in Intense Laser Fields
Double Photoionization of Helium in a Quasi-classical Formalism
Short-Pulse Detachment of H- in the Presence of a Static Electric Field
Two-Electron Wavefunctions for Model Helium
Harmonic Generation From a Two-Electron System
A Study of Multiphoton Ionization of Mg in the Wavelength Region of 300nm–214nm
Multiphoton Ionization of Magnesium and Covariance Mapping
Radiation Amplification and Third Harmonic Generation Through Autoionizing Resonances in Ca by Three-Photon Pumping
Manipulation of the Line-Shape and Final Products of Autoionization Through the Phase of the Electric Fields
Radiation Amplification Through Autoionizing Resonances Formed by Laser Assisted Dielectronic Recombination in He
Limits on High-Order Harmonic Generation from Single-Atom Calculations
High Order Harmonic Generation in an Ionising Medium
Harmonic Generation and Ionization by Ultrashort KrF and Ti:Sapphire Lasers
High-Order Harmonics Emitted from Low-Density Gas Targets
Stabilization: The Experiment
Evolution During Intense Pulses
An Extra Series of ATI Peaks From MPI of Atomic Hydrogen
Experimental Study of Tunnel Ionization of Atoms and Simple Molecules by an Intense CO2 Laser
From High Harmonics to Coherent Control of Strong Field Atomic Processes
Analysis of Laser-Assisted Above-Threshold Ionization in a Microwave Field
Time Independent Scattering Theory for Time Dependent Hamiltonians: ATI/ATD and HG Spectra
Multiphoton Science From Weak Fields to Ultra-Intense Laser Fields
What is the Maximal Stark Shift in the Variable Field?
Multiphoton X-Ray Generation From Clusters: Analysis of Energy Transfer Scaling