Nuclear Physics
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Opening Speech
I. Theoretical Aspects of Nuclear Collisions
Why Multifragmentation? A Survey of Statistical Multifragmentation
Fluctuation in Nuclear Dynamics and Multifragmentation
Small Amplitude Fluctuations in the Boltzmann Nordheim Vlasov Equation
Simulations of Intermediate-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions within Relativistic Mean-Field Two-Fluid Model
Percolation, Intermittency and Projectile Multifragmentation at High Energies
Classical Cluster Formation Model. A Comparison with Au + Cu at 600 MeV A Data
Hadrons in Nuclear Medium and K+ Scattering on Nuclei
Different Modelizations of Nuclei and, However, Same Predictions for Observables
Phase Space Dynamics and Collective Variable Fluctuations
Instability in Nuclear Dynamics: Loss of Collectivity and Multifragmentation
Damping of Particle-Hole Excitations at Finite Temperature
II. Various Aspects of Heavy Ions Reactions
Angular Momentum Transfer in Peripheral Reactions at GANIL
Multifragmentation in Central Kr + Au Collisions at 60 MeV/u
Evolution of the Multifragment Emission Regime Between 3 and 5.5 MeV/u Excitation Energy
4π Physics with the New Multidetector INDRA at GANIL
Multifragmentation Induced by Relativistic α-Projectiles, Studied with the 4π Setup Fasa
Experimental Evidence for Intermittency
Violent Collisions Between Ar and Ag in the Energy Range 30-60 MeV per Nucleon: Persistence of Deeply Inelastic Collisions and Temperature Limits
Investigation of Reabsorption Effects in Subthreshold π0 Production
Studies of Subbarrier Fusion in Heavy Ion Reactions Leading to 118,122,128Ba as Compound Nuclei
The Role of Transmission Coefficients in the Statistical Model
Excitation-Function of Nuclear Flow of Neutrons and Hydrogen Ions
Exclusive Measurements of Neutral Pion Production at Intermediate Energies
π+ and K+ Production at 1.0 GeV/u
III. Nuclear Structure and Exotic Nuclei
The Strength Function and the Angular Distribution of the GDR in Hot Rotating Nuclei
Investigation of Multi-Phonon Giant Resonances and Experiments with Neutron-Rich Light Nuclei
The Decay-Out of Superdeformed Bands: First Results with the GASP Array
EUROGAM: The Detector and Some First Results
New Approach in the Off-Line Treatment of EUROGAM Data
Two-Proton High-K Oblate Structures in 194Pb
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of 178m2Hf
List of Participants