Pressure Vessel and Piping Technology
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Keynote Papers
The Practice of Defect Assessment for Pressure Vessels in China
The Development of Low Temperature Design Rules in BS5500 and the European Pressure Vessel Standards
Codes, Design, and Testing
Advantages of Finite Element Methods Against Conventional Code Theory for the Assessment of Small and Large Diameter Flange Behaviour
A New Approach to the Design of Stiffened Rectangular Storage Tanks
Seismic Design Criteria for the Reactor Vessel Internals of the Korean Standard Nuclear Power Plant
Experimental Investigations of Stress Distribution Around 90° Branch Pipe Connections Due to Internal Pressure
Strain Measuring Techniques for Pressure Vessel Acceptance Tests
The Determination of Dynamic Loads During Large Pipe Breaks in a Nuclear Steam Supply System
The Effect of Internal Pressure on Bending of Thin-Walled Tube
Experiments on Horizontal Pressure Vessels with Non-Sliding Saddle Supports
Technology Developments in the Design and Maintenance of Aboveground Storage Tanks
Analysis of Components
Analysis of Stress and Safety during in-situ Heat Treatment of Tall Towers
Pressure Vessel with Non-Sliding Saddle Support—A Preliminary Study
Saddle Supports for Cylindrical Vessel—Problems and Solutions
Failure Mechanisms of a Bent Pipe Subjected to Out-of-Plane Loading
Thermal Stress Analysis of Conical Composite Shell Under Various Temperature Distributions
Instability of Semi-Ellipsoidal Shells
Finite Element Analysis of the Detergent Feedstock Splitter Storage Vessel
Simplified Condition for Incipient Yielding in Thick Pipes under Uniform Loading in the Longitudinal Diametral Plane
Stress Analysis of Perforated Plates Reinforced by Tubes
Finite Element Stress Analysis of Non-Regular Shaped Openings on Flat Plates and Nozzle-Vessel Intersections
Corrosion, Fatigue, and High Temperature Effects
Probabilistic Assessment of Wall Thickness Requirement for Underground Pipelines Subjected to Corrosion
Fatigue Crack Growth in a Titanium Alloy IMI834
Local Fatigue Life Assessment of a Pressure Vessel Through Finite Element Analysis
Inelastic Design Method and Life Prediction of High-Temperature Structures
A Simplified Analysis on Stress Redistribution of High Temperature Structure under Sustained Loading
Finite Element Analysis for Steady Creep
Fracture and Defect Assessment
Determination of KII of Crack in Centre Cracked Unidirectional Composite Plate under Temperature Gradient
Fracture Mechanics Technology in Industry: Defect Assessment Using the BSI PD 6493 Appraoch
Statistical Scatter in Fracture Toughness Data for a Pressure Vessel Steel
Preventing Cracking Due to Vibration in Pt. Arun's Rich Carbonate Line
Testing Sub-Size Charpy Specimen Test to Index Brittle to Transition Temperature
Effect of Loading Rate on the Fracture Toughness of Steel Weld Metal
Techniques for Assessing Ductile Fracture Initiation (JIC)
Materials, Wielding, Fabrications, and Inspections
Impact Energy Assessment of Welding Procedure Qualification and Production Tests
An Algorithm for the Prediction of Hardness of Repair Welds in 2.25 Cr-1 Mo Pressure Vessel Steel—A Preliminary Investigation
Overheating of Boiler Tube Material
Contour Roll Forming of Steel Tubes and Pipes
The Effects of Mechanical Constraints on the Welding of Mild Steel Panels
Analysis of Hydrogen Induced Disbonding Process in Stainless Steel Weld Overlay
Hydrogen Induced Cracking in Duplex Stainless Steel Weldment
Late Entry
A10 A Comparison of Non-destructive Pressure Vessel Proof Testing According to BS5500 and ASME Section VIII, Division I