Optimization Techniques and Applications
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Linear Programming
Interior point methods for semi-infinite programming calculations
Matrix shadow costs for multilinear programs
A linear programming approach to on-line constrained optimal terrain tracking systems
Recursive interior-point linear programming algorithm based on Lie-Brockett flows
Nonlinear Programming
Numerical experience with limited-memory quasi-Newton and truncated Newton methods
Deriving quasi-Newton updates via the ABS approach
Symmetric rank-one update and quasi-Newton methods
A gradient projection variable metric method for solving the nonlinear programming
Formulae-variable for conjugate gradient strategies
A dual-active-set algorithm for positive semi-definite quadratic programming
A smoothing technique for non-smooth optimization problems
On a class of complex nonlinear programming problems
On the numerical solution of generalized polynomial equations using an optimization-based algorithm
Minimization of the scaled tau-infinity coefficient over a convex cone in the positive orthant
On the extreme points of the intersection of the unit ball of the trimmed l1 norm with a hyperplane
Generalized convexity in mathematical programming
A stochastic algorithm for global optimization based on threshold accepting technique
A class of algorithms of feasible direction by using curvilinear fitting for nonlinear constrained optimization
Curved-line search using ordinary differential equations
The discrete recursive quadratic programming with artificial intelligence strategy
Graphical optimization using HGRAM graphical format
Combinatorial Optimization
Recent developments in integer programming
Location-search-based heuristic methods for set covering problems
A new approach to game scheduling with preassignments
A hybrid approach to the multiple-choice knapsack problem
Original methods of optimization on combinatorial sets
New progress on optimal partitioning problems
A weighted graph partitioning problem with side constraints
A decomposition process for the recognition of series-parallel subgraphs
Discrete optimization program based on the ortho-diagonal method
Graphics software for teaching optimization algorithms
Towards non-algorithmic optimization: a practical and general purpose method of formulating and solving dynamic programming problems
Network Optimization
Implementing optimization methods in network crashing: an illustration
An algorithm for solving quadratic cost network flow optimization problems
An algorithm of the shortest path for the network with negative arcs
Algorithms for the minimum weight spanning tree with bounded diameter problem
Multi-Criteria Optimization
An interactive method for multicriteria decision making
A comparative evaluation of multiple objective linear programming methods
An interactive approach to multiple objective transportation problems
The optimal order method of double basic points of multiple attribute evaluation
Multicriterion discrete optimization of large scale frame structures
Extent analysis and synthetic decision
All solutions of clustering for attributes
Major optimality and major efficiency in multicriteria optimization
Project crashing with earliness and tardiness penalties: a goal programming model
The multiobjective programming model of appropriate development goal of eighth five-year plan (“8.5”) for Chengdu
Optimal Control
A computational approach to an optimal control problem with a cost on changing control
Algorithms for unconstrained optimization: a new approach using control theory
A sufficient condition for near optimal stochastic controls and its applications to an HMMS model under uncertainty
Multi-mode controllers for linear discrete-time systems with general state and control constraints
Large Scale Optimization
Testing the reliability and robustness of optimization codes for large-scale optimization problems
Multi-step, multi-directional parallel algorithms for unconstrained optimization
Modelling and analysis of large systems: some approaches
Structure of A-B conformational DNA junction determined by energy minimization
An optimization procedure for decomposing changes in industrial energy consumption
Parallel design optimization of large scale structural systems subjected to multiple loading and multiple constraints
Towards reducing computational demands in calculating lower bounds in permutation flow shop scheduling
Complexity of the flow shop with multiple processors scheduling problem, and some dominance conditions
Preference-based scheduling via constraint satisfaction
A parametric model for staff scheduling problems with flexible demand constraints
New heuristic algorithms for precedence constrained scheduling
The design and development of a microcomputer-based vehicle routing and scheduling package
Two heuristics for vehicle routing
A fast heuristic for the train scheduling problem
Alternative generation for spatial problems
Stochastic Optimization/Reliability
Stochastic programming: optimizing the uncertain
Effective simulation of optimal trajectories in stochastic control
Output feedback for a class of linear quadratic systems with jump stochastic parameters
Stochastic optimization of queuing system control
A stochastic optimization model for irrigation planning
Reliability analysis of linear dynamic systems using optimization techniques
A simulation study on evacuation of occupants in a nursing home
Fitting linear models to clusters of data
Automatic bandwidth selection in semiparametric models
Optimum estimation of non-linear parameters by internal and exponential regression
Optimum Engineering Design
Extending the optimization paradigm in engineering design
An optimization approach to power system identification
Using nonlinear optimization to manage hydro-electric generation
The pattern transformation method – a new method in engineering optimum design
Optimal design of a tanker at the preliminary design stage
Optimization of adaptive pitch prediction in CELP systems
Extraction of microwave transistor circuit elements using a hybrid Gauss-Newton – simulated annealing approach
A comparative study of optimization algorithms for data reconciliation
Data reconciliation in an alumina refinery
Self-optimizing fuzzy control of an overhead crane
Optimal operation of batch fluidized drying
An algorithm for linear interpolation of cubic Bezier curves
Structural Optimization
A unified approach to optimization of structural elements
An expert system of controlling a program for discrete structural optimization
Genetic algorithms applied to structural engineering problems
Optimization of composite structures: an engineering application
Optimal design of steel plate girder
Optimum design of continuous composite girder bridge
Interactive limit analysis and optimum design of frames
Optimizing the performance of multi-storey buildings subjected to earthquakes
The optimal locations of vibration control forces of a structure
Optimal plastic design of uniformly loaded axisymmetric plates with multiple concentric ring supports
Optimal locations of internal line supports in plates for maximum fundamental frequency
Three-dimensional design sensitivity analysis
The optimum design of axisymmetrically loaded circular cylindrical reinforced concrete water tanks
Optimal design of reinforced concrete cylindrical water tanks using BEF analogy
A code-based optimum design of reinforced concrete structures
Optimum design of stiffened curved R/C slabs
The asymmetric rectilinear distance location problem with barriers
A single facility location problem with fixed orientations
A genetic algorithm approach to the facility layout problem
The research of layout of productive forces in China and related optimum models
Production/Inventory Control
Optimal policies for controlling response of a manufacturing-distribution system
Master and detailed scheduling in intermittent production systems: an approach
The robustness of Kanban-controlled manufacturing systems
Effect of batch splitting and forming on the economic production quantities of a multi-stage production system
The newsvendor problem with uncertain demand and a setup cost of ordering
Marketing implication of EOQ: constraint of special sales events
Product storage problem: a multi-period optimization approach
Optimizing storage assignment in warehousing operations
Resource Allocation/Portfolio Management
Maximization of total workload with optimal allocation of resources for a contracting organization – approach to portfolio selection
Searching for a meaningful factor structure in stock returns: a comparison of pre-specified and exploratory factor analysis based factors
A simple portfolio optimization under threshold stopping rule
Measuring systematic risk for optimal portfolio selection: evidence from accounting based risk measures
Determination of the k-th best in an assignment problem
A duality for option pricing bounds
Management /Economics
Applying optimization techniques in a continuous improvement environment
Modeling and measurement mania in management research: a comment and critique
Fallibility, incentives and organizational design
Scenario description and simplification in computer modeling: tools to keep the class awake
Predicting downturn: a new tool
Simultaneous product and process design
Media allocation for advertisement: a case study for a processed food industry
Opportunistic replacement: a dynamic programming approach
Appendix – Late Entries
Sequential quadratic programming methods for optimal control problems with state constraints
A dynamic risk type Houston model of insurance economic value
Solution of optimal problem of a class of production arrangement with FLOOD's method
Optimization and optimal control in atmospheric sciences
Author Index