Shape-phase transitions in very neutron-rich nuclei from 40Zr to 46Pd
Gamma-ray spectroscopy following the β decay is an effective tool for exploring low-lying yrast and non-yrast states, which provide key structure information such as the shape transitions/coexistence and the single-particle levels. For the study of rare isotopes, especially when the nucleus of interest lies at the boundaries of availability for spectroscopic studies, isomeric decays are likely to be a more useful means than β decays to populate lower-lying levels. The identification of such characteristic isomers will pin down currently controversial subjects including the evolution of shell structures. The combined β- and isomeric-decay measurements at the RI Beam Factory (RIBF), which has the capability of providing the world's strongest RI beams, are at the forefront of exploration of exotic nuclei far from the stability line…