Chapter 7: Return to Malaysia
I HAD BEEN succeeded by Dr Chiang Hai Ding when I left Malaysia in 1971. He stayed only two years before moving on elsewhere. His successor, Mr Wee Kim Wee, a well-known journalist, took Dr Chiang's place and stayed on for seven years. I was asked to succeed him as he was appointed ambassador to Japan. Our foreign minister, Mr S. Rajaratnam, asked me to return to Kuala Lumpur as high commissioner for three years from 1980. I accepted as I would have to retire from the University the same year, having attained the age of 60. I had many friends in Malaysia and some of the students whom I had taught at the University of Malaya in Singapore before the establishment of a separate university in Kuala Lumpur had reached high positions in the civil service. As Malays have a high respect for their gurus, I was sure they would be helpful in my work. This was important as relations between Singapore and Malaysia were often prickly…