14: Functional-Integral Representation of Quantum Field Theory
The following sections are included:
Functional Fourier Transformations
Gaussian Functional Integral
Functional Formulation for Free Quantum Fields
Euclidean Quantum Field Theory
Functional Integral Representation for Fermions
Relation Between Z[j] and the Partition Function
Bosons and Fermions in a Single State
Free Energy of Free Scalar Fields
Interacting Nonrelativistic Fields
Functional Formulation
Grand-Canonical Ensembles at Zero Temperature
Interacting Relativistic Fields
Plasma Oscillations
General Formalism
Physical Consequences
Pair Fields
Competition of Plasmon and Pair Fields
Ambiguity in the Selection of Important Channels
Gauge Fields and Gauge Fixing
Nontrivial Gauge and Faddeev-Popov Ghosts
Functional Formulation of Quantum Electrodynamics
Decay Rate of Dirac Vacuum in Electromagnetic Fields
Constant Electric and Magnetic Background Fields
Decay Rate in a Constant Electromagnetic Field
Effective Action in a Purely Magnetic Field
Effective Action in a Purely Magnetic Field
Effective Action in a Purely Magnetic Field
Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian
Alternative Derivation for a Constant Magnetic Field
Appendix 14A Propagator of the Bilocal Pair Field
Appendix 14B Fluctuations around the Composite Field
Appendix 14C Two-Loop Heisenberg-Euler Effective Action
Notes and References