Dynamic Load Distribution on Meshes with Broadcasting
In this paper, we propose a mesh with a global bus as a multi-computer topology. This structure enhances the communication capability of the mesh and shows that the mesh with a global bus has more salient properties than the mesh, the hypercube, or other variants. These properties includes a small diameter, a relatively small degree, small average distance, suitability for broadcasting, small initial data distribution time, etc. We propose a dynamic load distribution algorithm to utilize the enhanced communication capability of the mesh with a global bus. Also, asynchronous bus control and arbitration logics are designed to support the proposed algorithm efficiently. It has been shown through simulation that the proposed dynamic load distribution is superior to the Receiver Initiated Diffusion method, previously known as the best to-date. The proposed algorithm shows better total task execution time and better processor utilization with a smaller number of task migrations.
This research was supported in part by KOSEF under Grant 96-0101-09-01-3 and STEPI under Grant 1NU9632301.