Tau-neutrino as a probe of nonstandard interactions via charged Higgs and W′ contribution
We discuss the impact of the presence of a charged Higgs boson and a W′ gauge boson on the tau-neutrino nucleon scattering ντ+N→τ-+X and . We show the effect of the new physics on the quasielastic, Δ-resonance and deep inelastic scattering. The measurements for the atmospheric and reactor mixing angles θ23 and θ13 in the appearance analyses νμ →ντ and
are based on the Standard Model cross-section of the above processes. The measured mixing angles are changed when considering the new physics contributions to those reactions, assuming the Standard Model cross-sections. We include form factor effects in the new physics calculations and find the deviations of the mixing angles can be significant and can depend on the energy of the neutrino.