Alumina nanoparticle flow within a channel with permeable walls
The application of the nanoparticles for the heat transfer augmentation has extensively increased in the scientific and industrial applications. In this research, semi-analytic method is used to disclose the heat transmission and flow feature of the fluid with nanoparticles among the two parallel sheets. In our model, one plate is warmed with specific heat flux while fluid is streamed from another plate which extends over times. Nanoparticles of Al2O3 are applied in the main fluid to obtain nanofluid flow. To obtained viscosity coefficient and heat conductivity of the base fluid with nanoparticles, Koo–Kleinstreuer–Li (KKL) formula is applied as reliable approach. Comprehensive investigations on different factors are done to disclose the impact of important aspects such as volume fraction of the nanoparticles, main stream velocity and expansion ratio on the main thermal and hydrodynamic characteristics of the nanofluid. It was found that the rate of the Nusselt number upsurges when the velocity of main stream, volume portion of the nanoparticles and power law index is increased. However, the increasing of the expansion ratio declines the heat transfer rate in our model. Our findings disclose that heat transfer rate is directly proportional with velocity of nanofluid as index of power law equals to zero.
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