The Antithrombotic Effect of Borneol Related to Its Anticoagulant Property
Borneol is consumed excessively in China and Southeast Asian countries particularly in combined formula for preventing cardiovascular disease, but few studies were conducted on its effects on thrombosis. In this study, the antithrombotic and antiplatelet activities of borneol were investigated on thrombosis in vivo and on platelet aggregation ex-vivo. In addition, the coagulation parameters and influence on fibrinolytic activity were also assessed. The results showed that borneol had concentration dependent inhibitory effects on arterio-venous shunt and venous thrombosis but no effect on ADP and AA-induced platelet aggregation. Meanwhile, borneol prolonged the coagulation parameters for prothrombin time (PT) and thrombin time (TT), but did not show any fibrinolytic activity. It suggested that the antithrombotic activity of borneol and its action in combined formula for preventing cardiovascular diseases might be due to anticoagulant activity rather than antiplatelet activity.