Bounds on Kaluza–Klein states from EWPT and direct searches at the LHC
We review the present bounds on Kaluza–Klein (KK)-excitations of Standard Model gauge bosons, predicted by TeV size extra dimensions, which have been set by the ElectroWeak Precision Test (EWPT) and recently by the direct searches performed at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Concerning the theoretical framework we present results for the Non-Universal Extra Dimension (NUED) model with matter localized at the boundaries and all gauge bosons propagating into the bulk and acquiring KK-excitations. We also discuss its simplified version, NUED(EW), where only the ElectroWeak SM gauge bosons are allowed to propagate in the extra dimension, and its next-to-minimal version ElectroWeak Universal Extra Dimension (UED)(EW) where SU(3) is localized on the brane while the SU(2)×U(1) particle content fully propagates into the bulk.