NJL model with the modified quark-dependent coupling strength G
In this paper, the coupling strength G of the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model is modified by incorporating quark’s feedback into the gluon propagator. The modified two-flavor NJL model with the quark-dependent coupling strength is explored. The quark condensate in this framework has a conspicuous agreement with the lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) results at finite temperature. Then, it is compared with the original NJL model in both zero (chiral limit) and nonzero current quark mass. The QCD phase diagram and susceptibilities are investigated in the temperature–chemical potential (T−μ) plane. Therefore, the pseudo-critical temperature Tc and the critical end point (CEP) are worked out and compared with original NJL model or lattice QCD results. In addition, the pion mass and decay constant are studied at finite temperature.