Reconstructing scalar field models of the Sharma–Mittal holographic dark energy
In this paper, we investigate the Sharma–Mittal holographic dark energy (SMHDE) model in the context of a spatially homogeneous and isotropic flat Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) Universe by taking various values of model parameters R and δ and the Hubble horizon is taken as the infrared cut-off. We have analyzed the deceleration parameter (q) and the EoS parameter. According to the deceleration parameter, the Universe is in an accelerating and expanding phase, which is compatible with the observational data. The EoS parameter depicts that presently the Universe is lying in the quintessence region and at a late time it will show ΛCDM behavior. It is also concluded by the stability analysis that SMHDE model is classically stable at present and future. To understand the dynamics of our Universe, we have established a correspondence among SMHDE and the quintessence, tachyon and K-essence scalar-field models. Our results show that the Universe is in an accelerating expansion mode described by quintessence like behavior. We go further and estimate the model parameters by using the distance modulus measurement of the recent Union 2.1 dataset of supernovae.