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Charged gravastar in f(R,Σ,T)-gravity

    https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217732324501669Cited by:0 (Source: Crossref)

    This paper delves into the impact of electromagnetic fields on isotropic spherical charged gravastar (CGS) systems within the framework of f(R,Σ,T) gravity. The investigation focuses on singularity-free exact systems of relativistic spheres with a specific equation of state (EoS), employing a suitable choice of the effective field for different regions of the gravastar. The exterior region considers the Reissner–Nordström spacetime, while the interior charged manifold is matched at the junction interface. By utilizing graphical representations, the study examines various physical characteristics of the spherical gravastar system in the presence of an electromagnetic field. The findings reveal that the electric charge plays a significant role in shaping the optimal length, energy content, entropy, EoS parameter of the stellar system, and the energy conditions of our system. Additionally, the stability of the system is also investigated. Here are some of the results obtained. It is determined that both the matter density and pressure remain constant within the interior region of the CGS. The EoS is always negative. Also, the energy conditions are violated in our cosmological system.

    PACS: 04.20.−q, 11.10.−z, 98.80.Es, 98.80.−k
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