In this paper we suggest a new model of preons–dyons making composite quark–leptons and bosons, described by the supersymmetric string-inspired flipped
gauge group of symmetry. This approach predicts the possible extension of the Standard Model to the family replicated gauge group model of type GNfam, where Nfam is the number of families and G is the symmetry group: G = SMG, SU(5), SO(10), E6, etc. Here E6 and
are nondual and dual sectors of theory with hyperelectric g and hypermagnetic
charges, respectively. Starting with an idea that the most realistic model leading to the unification of all fundamental interactions (including gravity) is the "heterotic" string-derived flipped model, we have assumed that at high energies μ > 1016GeV there exists the following chain of the flipped models:
ended by the flipped E
6 gauge group of symmetry at the scale M
SSG ~ 10
18GeV. Suggesting
N = 1 supersymmetric

preonic model we have considered preons as dyons confined by hypermagnetic strings in the region of energies μ≲M
Pl. Our model is based on the recent theory of composite non-Abelian flux tubes in SQCD — analog ANO-strings. Considering the breakdown of E
6 and

at the Planck scale into the SU(6) × U(1) gauge group, we have shown that the six types of k-strings — composite
N = 1 supersymmetric non-Abelian flux tubes — are created by the condensation of spreons–dyons near the Planck scale and have six fluxes quantized according to the Z
6 center group of SU(6): Φ
n = nΦ
0(n = ±1, ±2, ±3). These fluxes give three types of k-strings with tensions T
k = kT
0, where k = 1, 2, 3, and produce three (and only three) generations of composite quark–leptons and bosons giving a very specific type of "horizontal symmetry." Thus, the present model predicts N
gen = N
fam = 3. It was shown that our preonic strings are very thin, with radius R
str ~ 10
-18GeV-1, and their tension T
0 is enormously large: T
0 ~ 10
38GeV2. It was shown that the condensation of spreons near the Planck scale gives the phase transition at some scales M
crit and

, which correspond to the following breakdowns of E
6 (or

) for preons: E
6 →SU(6)×U(1), or

. We have calculated the critical values of gauge coupling constants: α
crit) ≈4.23 and

. It was investigated that in our world we have quark–leptons and gauge bosons A
μ in the region of energies μ≲M
Pl, but monopolic "quark–leptons" and dual gauge fields

exist in the region μ≳M