Inspired by the holographic principle, we suggest that the density of dark energy is proportional to the spatial Ricci scalar curvature (SRDE). Such a model is phenomenologically viable. The best fit values of its parameters at 68% confidence level are found to be Ωm 0 = 0.259±0.016 and α = 0.261±0.0122, constrained from the Union+CFA3 sample of 397 SNIa and the BAO measurement. We find that the equation of state of SRDE crosses -1 at z ≃ -0.14. The present value of the deceleration parameter q(z) for SRDE is found to be qz = 0~-0.85. The phase transition from deceleration to acceleration of the Universe for SRDE occurs at the redshift zq = 0~0.4. After studying the perturbation of each component of the Universe, we show that the matter power spectra and cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropy are slightly affected by SRDE, compared with ΛCDM.
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