Survival of new physics: Anomaly-free neutral gauge boson at the LHC
An anomaly-free U(1)′ effective Lagrangian as a benchmark of new physics beyond the standard model is proposed to survey the maximal parameter space constrained by the precise electroweak measurements at the Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP) and direct detection of the dilepton decay channel at at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). By the global fit of the effective couplings of the Z boson to the Standard Model fermions, parameters Δ11, Δ21 and g′′Δ31 related to mixings and r related to the U(1)′ charge assignment are bounded. The allowed areas are plotted not only in the r–g′′ plane, but also in the mZ′–g′′ plane. They show that a sub-TeV Z′ is still permissible as long as the coupling g′′ is of order ~0.01. The results hint at possible new physics beyond the standard model. A prediction of the possible signal for the dilepton decay channel at
at LHC is also provided.
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