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Sphere partition function and tt geometry in abelian GLSM

    https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217751X24460151Cited by:0 (Source: Crossref)
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    Sphere partition function integral for abelian Calabi–Yau GLSM is equal to the pairing of the I-function with its complex conjugate, where the real structure is essentially constructed from Iritani’s integral structure on the cohomology of the target.

    1. Introduction

    In this note, I recall the notions of integral and real structures in quantum cohomology introduced by Iritani25,26,27 from the perspective of the quantum differential equation. We discuss the notion of tt-structure9,14,23,27 in the Calabi–Yau case, where the structure can be constructed from the solution to the quantum differential equation and the real structure on the state space.

    The authors in Refs. 4 and 13 provided an exact formula for the GLSM sphere partition function. It was conjectured in Refs. 5,6 and 29 that the sphere partition function computes the tt-geometry for the underlying model in the geometric Calabi–Yau phase of GLSM. There are various checks of this conjecture in the literature. In particular, the author did various computations of the sphere function and tt geometry in the Landau–Ginzburg phase on the mirror side.1,2 Erkinger and Knapp17 generalized these computations to hybrid model cases and conjectured the general formula.

    The main result of this note is proof of the Erkinger–Knapp formula for general abelian Calabi–Yau GLSM, where the I-function has been defined in Ref. 3 using Favero and Kim19 formalism. The proof strategy is similar to the one used in Ref. 3 to prove the correspondence between the hemisphere partition function and certain components of the GLSM I-functions (quasi-central charges). Conceptually, we can turn off the superpotential of the GLSM and turn on equivariant variables on the underlying toric GIT quotient, where we can explicitly compute the tt-structure in Proposition 3.2. Then, we show that the nonequivariant limit exists and coincides with the GLSM expression with nonzero superpotential, see Theorem 4.1.

    Mathematical GLSM invariants in the geometric phase are known to coincide with Gromov–Witten theory of a Calabi–Yau threefold complete intersection up to a sign12 and an identification of the state spaces. In particular, the tt-structures of these theories are compatible. This correspondence is expected to hold more generally.

    The picture turns out to be somewhat simpler for the sphere case compared to the hemisphere because one does not need to consider branes (the categories of matrix factorizations and equivariant coherent sheaves), however the convergence of the sphere partition function integral is more subtle than the hemisphere function.

    2. Quantum Differential Equation, Integral and Real Structure

    In this section, we review the relevant notions for the case of a smooth projective variety to simplify the notations. Later, in Sec. 3, we will use existing modifications for smooth DM toric stacks. In Sec. 4, we provide generalizations for GLSM.

    2.1. QDE and tt for a projective variety

    Let X be a smooth projective variety over . Gromov–Witten theory of X endows H(X) with a Frobenius manifold structure.15

    Namely, let α,β,γH(X).

    The (big) quantum multiplication :H(X;)H(X;)H(X;){t} is defined by the following formula :

    where the brackets on the right-hand side denote the Gromov–Witten invariants. We assume the convergence of the series for tUH(X) for the exposition, and {t} denotes convergent power series in t. Furthermore, abusing the notations we write H(X) instead of the convergence domain U. This multiplication is well known to be associative (WDVV equations) and commutative.

    Frobenius manifold. The Frobenius manifold structure can be summarized using the Dubrovin connection. Consider the projection π1:H(X)×zH(X) and the trivial bundle :

    TH(X) is endowed with the trivial Levi-Civita connection LC coming from the constant Poincare pairing.

    We can identify the fiber with H(X) via /ti=tiγi. Dubrovin connection is the “A-model Gauss–Manin-type connection” on this trivial bundle given by



    • the Euler vector field is

      and c1(X)=i,γiH2(X)riγi.

    • The grading operator is


    The connection in z-direction is regular singular at z= and, in general, irregular singular at z=0. The constant shift in Gr is chosen such that the spectrum of Gr is symmetric.

    The remarkable feature of the Dubrovin connection is that it is flat, and this flatness records most of the Frobenius manifold information.a

    Fundamental solution and J-function. The connection has a fundamental flat section of the form

    where L(t,z) is an End(H(X))-valued analytic function of t,z and L(t,z)=Id+O(1/z).

    The J-function is defined as

    where the star means conjugation with respect to the Poincare pairing. The operators L and L1 conjugate the Dubrovin conection in the TH(X) direction with the trivial Levi-Civita connection of the Poincare pairing :

    Sesquilinear pairing. Let (1) denote the map sending f(z) to f(z). For multivalued functions, it is defined by the analytic continuation along the positive direction. By the symmetry of the quantum multiplication, the z-sesquilinear pairing

    is invariant with respect to , that is
    Following Ref. 21, we use uneven brackets to stress that this pairing is neither symmetric nor skew-symmetric in general. Since L(t,z) is a fundamental solution to the tangent part of the quantum differential equation (1), the invariance of the pairing implies
    which is equivalent to the symplectic property L1(t,z)=L(t,z).

    The pairing [,) is an A-model counterpart of the so-called higher residue pairing introduced by Saito.32

    On the other hand,

    is skew-symmetric. It is 𝒪H(X)-linear and is related to the Givental’s symplectic space H(X;)((z1)).22 This symplectic form plays a key role in the Lagrangian cone approach to Gromov–Witten theory.

    Gamma structure. Iritani26 introduced an integral structure on the cohomology and the space of flat sections of the Dubrovin connection called gamma integral structure. Let {δi}ni=1 be the Chern roots of TX. Then the Gamma class is defined as

    It is a regularized Euler class of the normal bundle to the space of positive loops to 𝒳. Let also the dual Gamma class be
    such that
    where the Todd class of X is


    be the modified Chern character.

    Let 𝒮(X) denote the space of multivalued flat sections of . The gamma integral structure26 on 𝒮(X) is an integral lattice in 𝒮(X) induced by the following map :

    This integral structure arises naturally from the integral structure on the K-theory in the following sense: the Euler pairing transforms to the sesquilinear pairing (2.1) under s :
    where we used

    One can also define Gamma integral structure on the cohomology group H(X). The fundamental solution to the QDE provides a -linear isomorphism of the cohomology of X with the space of flat sections :

    This defines a nonstandard integral lattice and sesquilinear pairing on H(X) by

    Central charges. The quantum cohomology central charge of is a function on H(X)×z :


    Conjecturally, for fixed variables they are central charges of appropriate Bridgeland stability conditions on the category Db(X).

    Central charges are given by specific linear combinations of the entries of the fundamental solution matrix

    Central charges can be also written in terms of the J-function :

    Real structure. Gamma integral structure on cohomology H(X) is a lattice given by the image of K(X) via

    This integral structure induces a real subspace in H(X;). A real structure is a complex anti-linear involution
    which leaves the real subspace invariant. By the HRR formula, the sesquilinear pairing is real with respect to the real structure, that is

    Let αH(X;). Then

    The right-hand side is
    The left-hand side is
    where I used ¯(1)n/2=¯eπin/2=(1)n(1)n/2 for n.

    Therefore, we can write the real structure explicitly27 as


    Calabi–Yau case and tt-metric. Cecotti and Vafa9 introduced a hermitian metric on deformation spaces of 2d supersymmetric field theories. It has been studied by multiple people in different contexts, e.g. Refs. 14, 23 and 27.

    In the Calabi–Yau case c1(X)=0 and the second equation in (1) reduces to the homogeneity condition for the flat sections :

    In this case it is convenient to set z=1. We then define the pairing [,) on H(X) by

    The pairing [,) is symmetric for even n and anti-symmetric for odd n.

    In the case where X is a Calabi–Yau threefold, tt geometry reduces to the so-called (projective or local) special Kahler geometry.20 More generally, let X be a Calabi–Yau n-fold. Consider the restriction of the quantum connection (1) to H(X)×H2(X)H2(X). The A-model Hodge filtration is defined by FnpAH(X):=L1pk=0H2k(X). The A-model filtration together with the integral structure (3) defines a pure Hodge structure of weight n around the large volume limit.27 The sesquilinear pairing and a trivial connection induced from the trivial bundle structure turn it into a variation of polarized Hodge structures. In particular, ipq[κ(L1α),L1α)>0 for any αHp,q(X)\{0} by Theorem 3.9 in Ref. 27.

    The top filter FnAH(X)=J is a line subbundle spanned by the J-function. This line bundle has a hermitian metric induced from the Hermitian pairing [κ(),) on H(X). Zamolodchikov metric on the space H2(X) is defined as a Kahler metric with the Kahler potential given by

    and does not depend on the choice of a section of the line bundle.

    Let {i}i be a -basis of K(X) and {i}i be a dual basis, such that

    The pairing can be written in terms of central charges :

    Below we compute the Zamolodchikov metric for the case of abelian GLSMs or toric Landau–Ginzburg models.

    3. Toric Case

    3.1. Toric geometry

    We briefly introduce the necessary notations from toric geometry mostly following the conventions of Ref. 3. Let VN be a complex vector space, G()NGL(V) be a torus, G()κ. Let ζchar(G) be such that Vζst=Vζss. Then

    is a smooth semi-projective toric DM stack (e.g. Ref. 28).

    Let T̃N be the diagonal torus in GL(V), and consider the exact sequence of groups :

    We have short exact sequences associated to cocharacter and character lattices correspondingly :
    Let viN be the image of the i-th basis vector of N under β, and Di𝕃 be the image of the ith basis vector of (N) by ψ.

    The GIT data above can be given in terms of the extended stacky fan28

    where Σ={σ} is a rational polyhedral fan in N defined as
    σ=iI0viΣif and only ifζiĪ>0Di.

    Let 𝒜ζ be the set of all anticones, that is a set of all I such that ζiI>0Di.

    Anticones are in one-to-one correspondence with cones. In particular, torus fixed points correspond to minimal anticones or maximal cones. We shall use the notations I=[1N]\I. Furthermore, given an anticone I𝒜ζ let σI be the associated cone and pI𝒳 be the corresponding torus fixed point.

    Cohomology. If not specified, all the cohomology groups in this section have rational coefficients. We also use the notation Rk:=Rk for any field k and a -module R.

    The second cohomology of 𝒳 can be read off the exact sequence

    We identify the cohomology elements with (rational) characters of G. Choose a -basis {pa}a=1κ of H2(𝒳;)𝕃. Using the latter isomorphism we can write Di=a=1κDiapa for some Dia, 1iN, 1aκ. The matrix {Dia}i,a is called the charge matrix in the physical literature. Let 𝒟i be a T-equivariant divisor in 𝒳ζ given by equation {xi=0} in homogeneous coordinates. We denote its T-equivariant Poincare dual class by uiTHT2(𝒳).

    The nonequivariant limit is a class uiH2(𝒳) which can be written as

    Let HT̃(pt)=[λ1,,λN]. The group homomorphism T̃T induces the equivariant cohomology map HT(𝒳)HT̃(𝒳). Let uiT̃ be the image of uiT under this map. Explicitly, we can write

    There exist a Stanley–Reisner-type descriptions of the cohomology ring7,28 :

    where mHT2(pt)M acts by ivi, muiT.

    Let f({paT̃},{λi})HT̃(𝒳) be a class in the equivariant cohomology ring. We can choose a lift f̃[{paT̃}a,{λi}i] which is a regular function on Spec(HT̃×G(pt))(𝕃Ñ). Let GIG denote the stabilizer of the torus fixed point pI corresponding to the anticone I. It is well known that the equivariant integral of f can be computed by residues :

    where the contour is the product of circles around the hyperplanes {uiT̃=0}iI(𝕃Ñ) in positive directions. The integral does not depend on the choice of the lift f̃, is [{λi}i]-linear and can be extended to an analytic completion in the equivariant variables.

    The equivariant Poincare pairing is defined by the equivariant integration :

    This pairing does not have a nonequivariant limit λ0 when 𝒳 is nonproper. The dualizing module for H(𝒳) is the cohomology with compact support. The combinatorial definition in the toric case is due to Borisov and Horja.8 HT,c(𝒳) is an ideal in HT(𝒳) isomorphic to a module of HT(X) with generators
    and relations
    The equivariant Poincare pairing turns into a nondegenerate pairing :
    The nonequivariant limit is a perfect pairing :

    Inertia stack and orbifold cohomology. The inertia stack of 𝒳 is a DM stack

    where Box(Σ)=I𝒜ζBoxI, and
    Each 𝒳v is called a twisted sector and is a toric DM substack of 𝒳 given by
    where Vv={xV,xi=0ifci0} for v=iIcivi.

    The degree shift function age:Box(Σ) is defined as age(icivi)=ici for the minimal representation of v. The orbifold (Chen–Ruan) cohomology is

    We denote the generator of the v-twisted sector by 1v. By definition it has degree 2age(v). We let deg be the true degree operator, where degree is shifted by age and deg0 denotes the degree on H(𝒳). Let v=icivi. We denote by v the Box element equal to i{ci}vi, where the brackets stand for the fractional part. There is an involution inv on 𝒳 sending 𝒳v𝒳v via the identity map. This involution induces an involution Horb(𝒳)Horb(𝒳) sending 1v to 1v. Horb(𝒳) is endowed with the orbifold Poincare pairing (if 𝒳 is proper) :
    Orbifold Gamma classes26 are given by
    as elements of End(Horb(𝒳)).

    In the orbifold case, the gamma real structure on the cohomology gets modified by the involution on the twisted sectors27 :


    3.2. I-function and tt

    In this section, we introduce equivariant GLSM I-functions3 that are closely related to the I-functions of the toric DM stack 𝒳.

    Let R1,,RN,R̂:=iRi/2 and ĉ:=n2R̂. In the GLSM section below, they will stand for the R-charges and central charge (or effective dimension), respectively. We define


    Let y=(y1,,yκ) be a formal Novikov variable. The equivariant GLSM I-function is given by

    H(𝒳v) is naturally a H(𝒳)-module via a pullback, that is for αH(𝒳) and βH(𝒳v) we have αβ:=ιv(α)β. Using this module structure we write
    In the Calabi–Yau case setting z=1, we get
    Let Gr=deg/2n/2 as above, then
    We also compute (note the signs)
    Note that (1{x})+(1{x})=1 if x and both are equal to 1 otherwise. In particular,
    We also use idi(β)=R̂ and i{di(β)}=age(v(β)).


    Each of the integrals in the last expression can be evaluated by equivariant localization. Let θa:=logya and θ,pT̃=apaT̃logya. The integral in the last line of (9) can be represented as a residue integral (6) :
    where we introduced αi=Ri/2+λi, and 𝒞0𝔤=Lie(G) is a product of κ positively oriented circles around

    Concluding this computation we obtain the following formula.

    Proposition 3.1.


    This formula is the main result of this section.

    3.3. Sphere partition function

    The sphere partition function of the abelian GLSM4,13 is defined (up to a prefactor) as

    for a particular choice of integration contours 𝒞m that we will discuss later. We can rewrite it as

    Let ΓΓ(σ):=i=1Nπ1sin(π(Di,σ+m/2+αi))Γ(Di,σ+m/2+αi)Γ(Di,σm/2+αi) be the gamma part of the integrand. This is a meromorphic function on 𝔤 with simple poles at the hyperplanes :

    This divisor is a countable union of simple normal crossings divisors for generic α. Let mi:=Di,m. We can rewrite the polar divisor as
    Let 𝒞m be the same tilted contour 𝒞̃0 from the appendix for each m. Then, repeating Lemma 5.13 from Ref. 3 we get the following.

    Lemma 3.1.

    where 𝒞k,m is a product of κ positively oriented circles around

    Remark 3.1. The proof of Ref. 3 applies due to Proposition A.2.

    Proposition 3.2. If ζ is far enough in the phase Cζ, the sphere partition function is equal to the pairing of the I-function with its κ-conjugate :


    Proof. By Lemma 3.1

    We can change the order of the summation mIIm (we shall see that the right-hand side is absolutely convergent). Let F(σ)=eθ,σ+m/2eθ¯,σm/2ΓΓ(σ). Then we can regroup the terms in the last expression according to whether mi0 or not :
    where 𝕃J={m𝕃|mj0,jJ,mj<0,jJ}. For m𝕃J we have Di,σ+mj/2+αjDi,σ+mj/2+αj, jJ and Di,σ+mj/2+αj<Di,σ+mj/2+αj,jJ. Joining the contributions for all JI we can write (3.3) as
    where 𝒞k,k̃ is a product of κ positively oriented circles around
    By Proposition 3.1, we conclude that
    The power series is absolutely convergent, which justifies the resummation in the beginning of the proof. □

    4. GLSM

    An abelian GLSM data is a 5-tuple (V,G,R,W,ζ), where V,G and ζ define a toric GIT quotient DM stack, RGL(V) is the R-charge action that descends to the action on 𝒳, and W is a weighted homogenous polynomial with respect to the R-charge action. See details and different versions in Refs. 12, 18 and 19 in the algebraic setting.

    From the toric perspective, an abelian GLSM is a semi-projective toric DM stack with a choice of a one-parametric subgroup of the torus and a regular function that has weight one with respect to the subgroup.

    Intersection GR is necessarily a cyclic group which we denote μr. We also choose a generator Jμr. Let {rRi/2}i=1N denote the weightsb of R on V. Recall that R̂:=iRi/2. The GLSM state space is19 a version of a relative cohomology group :

    The grading operator deg (true grading) on GLSM state space denotes the grading in (12). We use deg0 to denote the natural grading on (𝒳,(Ω𝒳,±dW)).

    The state space is endowed with an involution by composing the action of J1/2 and the involution on the twisted sectors :

    The pairing on the state space is defined as
    where the integral is understood as the composition19:
    The integration map is defined by integrating over the analytic Borel–Moore fundamental class of 𝒳v (see Appendix A of Ref. 19).

    Under some conditions on the GLSM data, Favero and Kim19 proved that GLSM form a homogeneous cohomological field theory (CohFT) with a unit 1. Genus zero part of such a CohFT defines a Frobenius manifold and, in particular, the quantum connection on (𝒳,(Ω𝒳,dW))×𝒜z1 :

    where the quantum product defined using 3-point GLSM invariants, the Euler vector field is
    and the grading operator is
    where neff=ĉ:=n2R is the central charge or effective dimension. Note that R-charge dependence in Gr cancels out.

    We can define the fundamental solution to the QDE (1) :

    with an appropriate asymptotic, and the J-function
    The details of the J-function construction will be published elsewhere.

    In Ref. 3 we defined a GLSM small I-function :

    It is expected that the I-function is related to the J-function (14) by a version of quasimap ϵ-wall-crossing.11

    Gamma integral structure on the space of solutions to QDE on H(X) is defined using central charges of coherent sheaves. Matrix factorizations play the role of coherent sheaves in GLSM, so we recall some basic notions about matrix factorizations.

    Matrix factorizations. Let DMF(𝒳,W) denote the derived category of matrix factorizations of W on 𝒳.16,31 An object of DMF(𝒳,W) is a pair of vector bundles E0,E1 on 𝒳 together with maps

    such that
    Let B𝒳 be a vector bundle and β:𝒪𝒳Γ(B) be a regular section. Let α:Γ(B)𝒪𝒳 be a cosection such that
    The Koszul matrix factorization {α,β} is defined as
    and the maps are

    The Koszul matrix factorization can be thought of as a deformation of the Koszul complex


    Let 𝔅DMF(𝒳,W). Kim and Polishchuk30 defined a version of Chern character for global matrix factorizations :

    which was generalized to the stacky version in Ref. 10.

    Integral and real structures on the GLSM state space. Extending constructions of Iritani26,27 we define an integral structure on the GLSM state space.

    Let 𝒮(𝒳,W) denote the space of flat sections of the quantum connection. We define the algebraic Gamma integral structure as a -submodule 𝒮(𝒳,W)𝒮(𝒳,W) generated by

    where Γ̂𝒳 is the orbifold Gamma class of 𝒳,26 deg0 denotes the degree without the age-shift.

    The factor (1)deg0/2 differs from (2πi)deg0/2 the one in (3) due to the difference in normalization between topological and algebraic Chern classes, cf. Ref. 19.

    Remark 4.1.


    The submodule introduced above is in general not of the full rank, that is 𝒮(𝒳,W)𝒮(𝒳,W) can be a proper subspace due to possible existence of nonalgebraic classes in the state space, see Remark 2.11 in Ref. 26.c


    Let us assume that numerical equivalence implies homological equivalence, that is chi(𝔅,)=0ch(𝔅)=0. Then every relation in 𝒮(𝒳,W) comes from a relation in 𝒮(𝒳,W). In particular rank𝒮(𝒳,W)=dim𝒮(𝒳,W).


    The algebraic integral structure is compatible with the Euler pairing in the following sense :

    where C is a linear involution on (the even part of) the state space (𝒳v,(Ω𝒳v,dW)). This follows from a combination of Proposition 2.10 in Ref. 26 and Theorem 1.2 in Ref. 10.

    GLSM central charges and (hemi-)sphere partition functions. The sesquilinear pairing is defined on the space of (multivalued) functions of z valued in the state space W{z} :

    We define GLSM quasimap central charges by

    In Ref. 3, we showed that GLSM quasi-central charges have hemisphere partition function integral representation.24

    In the Calabi–Yau case the sphere partition function of Refs. 4 and 13 is equal to the hermitian pairing of the GLSM I-function with itself:

    Theorem 4.1.


    Proof. Favero and Kim19 defined the Todd–Chern class of a matrix factorization :


    Let 𝒳 be a zero locus of a regular section β of a vector bundle B on 𝒳. □

    Lemma 4.1. Let I,J[1N] and FIιI𝒳, FJιJ𝒳be proper toric substacks defined by equations {xi=0}iI and {xi=0}iJ, respectively. They are zero loci of regular sections βI,J of T̃-equivariant tautological vector bundles BI,J:=[VI,J×Vζss/G]X on 𝒳. Let αI,J be cosections αI,JΓ(BI,J) such that αIβI=αJβJ=W. Then for any sH(𝒳) the following equality holds true :

    where the last integral is the map 𝒳:Hc(𝒳).

    Proof. We can write the following series of equalities :

    The first one is true by Corollary 4.11 in Ref. 19, the second one is by Lemma B.13 in Ref. 19, and the third one is true because FI is proper. □

    Now, the proposition follows from the relations between IW and I3 and Lemma 4.1.


    a In addition, one requires existence of a flat homogeneous identity vector field.

    b This notation is consistent with the physical convention of Ri as R-charges.

    c The author is grateful to the referee for pointing this out.

    d In physics notation, the central charge is three times the mathematical convention.

    Appendix A. Asymptotics of the Sphere Function Integral

    Shifted imaginary contour. Recall that the effective dimension or central charged of a GLSM 𝔛=(V,G,R,W,ζ) is ĉ=dimVdimG2R̂, where R̂=iRi/2.

    Definition A.1. We say that a GLSM 𝔛 satisfies the strong positive central charge condition if for all I[1N] such that dim∠⃒I<κ the following quantity is positive N|I|κ+dim∠⃒IiIRi=n(|I|dim∠⃒I)iIRi.

    Proposition A.1. Let (V,Γ,chi,ζ) satisfy the strong positive central charge condition. Then there exists τ𝔤 such that the integral over the shifted imaginary contour

    is convergent.

    Proof. Let σ=τ+iλν, where |ν|=1 in any metric on 𝔤 such that λ1. We estimate the integrand of (A.1) as

    such that maxνSκ1|f(λ,ν)|<constλκϵ, λ1 for some ϵ>0.

    Stirling approximation for the gamma function implies


    Using the last estimate (A.2) we get



    The set {i|Di,ν=0} is empty for generic ν, then using iDi=0 and iαi=2R̂ we find the estimate
    Note that ĉ=n2R̂ is the effective dimension of the GLSM and the integral over the generic part of the contour τ+i𝔤 is absolutely convergent if the effective dimension is positive.

    We need a separate analysis in the case when Di,ν=0 for some i. Let I=Iν[1N] be such that Di,ν=0, iI. Then (A.3) implies

    We can rewrite the convergence condition as

    If GLSM satisfies the strong positive central charge condition, then the convergence condition is satisfied for all such I and τ=0. □

    Tilted contour. Let u𝔤 such that ζ,u>0. Choose any metric on 𝔤 as above. We define the contour 𝒞̃τ as a map of the contour 𝒞τ:=τ+1𝔤 by

    where C is a large enough positive constant. If the integrals over the contours 𝒞̃τ and 𝒞τ are convergent, then they are equal, because the contours are homotopic.

    Proposition A.2. If ζ=Re(θ) is far enough in the phase 𝒞ω, then the integral

    is convergent and is bounded above by const1ecost2ζ,τ.

    Lemma A.1. Let {zi=xi+1yi}i=1N be separated from nonpositive integers and izi=R, let |z| be the norm of (z1,,zN) in any norm. Then there exist const1,const2>0 such that


    Proof. The proof is analogous to the proof of Proposition (A.5) in Ref. 3. □

    Applying the estimate to the integrand in (A.5) we get

    where P(σ) has subexponential asymptotics. Then claim follows if we choose ζ such that ω,τ<const2|τ|.


    The author is grateful to Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu for multiple discussions and to the referee for valuable comments.

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