Motivated by the significance of modular symmetry in generating neutrino masses and flavor mixings, we apply the modular A4 symmetry in a 3+1 scheme of active–sterile neutrino mixings. Neutrino oscillation observables in the 3σ range are successfully reproduced through the vacuum expectation value of the modulus τ. We also study phenomenologies related to the effective neutrino masses mβ in tritium beta decay and mββ in neutrinoless double beta decay. Mixings between active neutrinos and eV scale sterile neutrino are analyzed in detail. The model also predicts the Dirac CP-violating phase δCP and Majorana phases α and β. The best-fit values of the neutrino mixing angles and ratios of two mass-squared differences are determined using minimum χ2 analysis. The best-fit values of the neutrino oscillation observables are predicted as sin2θ23=0.573, sin2θ12=0.300, sin2θ13=0.022 and r=0.172 for NH while sin2θ23=0.550, sin2θ12=0.303, sin2θ13=0.022 and r=0.171 for IH. We also observe that the predictions of effective neutrino mass parameters in the 3+1 scheme are significantly different from the three neutrino paradigm.
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