Time-varying qq-deformed dark energy interacts with dark matter
We propose a new model for studying the dark constituents of the universe by regarding the dark energy as a qq-deformed scalar field interacting with the dark matter, in the framework of standard general relativity. Here we assume that the number of particles in each mode of the qq-deformed scalar field varies in time by the particle creation and annihilation. We first describe the qq-deformed scalar field dark energy quantum-field theoretically, then construct the action and the dynamical structure of these interacting dark sectors, in order to study the dynamics of the model. We perform the phase space analysis of the model to confirm and interpret our proposal by searching the stable attractor solutions implying the late-time accelerating phase of the universe. We then obtain the result that when interaction and equation-of-state parameter of the dark matter evolve from the present day values into a particular value, the dark energy turns out to be a qq-deformed scalar field.
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