Super Efimovian expansions of superfluid Fermi gases in the BCS–BEC crossover
We study the super Efimovian expansions of a superfluid Fermi gas in the crossover from Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) superfluid to a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC), by using superfluid hydrodynamic equations with the equation of state fitting from the experimental data and a scaling approach. We find that in an isotropic trap, the super Efimovian expansion of the Fermi superfluid in the unitary limit is characterized by the double-log periodicity, while for an axially symmetric trap, the double-log periodicity only emerges in the longer direction for a large anisotropy of the trapping frequencies. Away from unitarity where the scale invariance is broken, the super Efimovian expansions of the superfluid Fermi gases deviate from the double-log oscillations. The oscillations in the BCS regime deviate upward from the double-log oscillations, whereas the oscillations in the BEC regime deviate downward and the deviation in the BEC limit is the most significant. This difference can be used to discriminate different superfluid regimes.
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