Computational Aeroelastic method for rotor based on MBDYN
A framework of numerical formulations for the aeroelastic analysis of helicopter rotor is presented in this paper. The blade structural dynamics are modeled by an open source multibody dynamic software MBDYN, which solves finite element equation of elastic bodies in general motions. Then the structural deformation is transformed to blade surface grid by radial base function (RBF) interpolation, and volume grids are regenerated by RBF and TFI methods. Lastly, the fluid governing equations are solved. By integrating the above methods, S76 hovering rotors are simulated and compared to the test data. Results show that elastic torsion decreases local angle of attack. For status at Mtip=0.65 and 𝜃>100, the shock and shock-induced separation are reduced on the outboard blade, which has remarkable effects on the prediction of rotor hovering performance.
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