Electron irradiation and annealing effects on the pseudogap in optimally doped YBCO single crystals
The effect of room-temperature annealing on the basal-plane conductivity of YBCO single crystals is investigated after their irradiation with fast electrons. It is revealed that the excess conductivity Δσ(T)Δσ(T) of the samples obeys an exponential temperature dependence in a broad temperature range Tf<T<T∗Tf<T<T∗. Here, TfTf is the crossover temperature from the pseudogap to the fluctuation conductivity regime. The description of the excess conductivity with the expression Δσ∝T/T∗exp(Δ∗/T)Δσ∝T/T∗exp(Δ∗/T) can be interpreted in terms of the mean-field theory where T∗T∗ corresponds to the mean-field transition temperature to the pseudogap state and the dependence Δσ(T)Δσ(T) is described within the framework of the BCS-BEC crossover theory.