Physical impact of thermo-diffusion and diffusion-thermo on Marangoni convective flow of hybrid nanofluid (MnZiFe2O4–NiZnFe2O4–H2O) with nonlinear heat source/sink and radiative heat flux
The objective of this study is to illustrate the influence of Marangoni convection, nonlinear heat sink/source, thermal radiation, viscous dissipation, activation energy, Soret and Dufour effects on magnetohydrodynamics flow of nanofluid generated by rotating disk. Further, the entropy generation equation is derived as a function of velocity, concentration, and thermal gradients. The governing equations of the model along with associated boundary constraints are reduced to ordinary differential equations by adopting suitable similarity transformation. Later, these equations are tackled numerically by means of shooting technique. The whole examination is performed by using two distinctive nanoparticles of ferrites in particular, manganese zinc ferrite (MnZnFe2O4) and nickel zinc ferrite (NiZnFe2O4) in a carrier liquid (C10H22)(C10H22). The physical characteristics of velocity, thermal, concentration entropy generation, skin friction, and Nusselt number against numerous pertinent parameters are discussed in detail and deliberated graphically. Result reveals that thermal gradient shows substantial enhancement for advanced values of heat sink/source parameter. The entropy production increases with an augmentation in the Brinkman number and Marangoni ratio values. The escalation in Marangoni ratio and Dufour number improves the rate of heat transference.