The rotation scheme of quantum states based on EPR pairs
In this paper, we give a further discussion of short-distance teleportation. We propose bidirectional, rotation and cyclic rotation teleportation schemes for short-distance participants, respectively. In our bidirectional transmission scheme, the quantum channel is still an EPR pair and an auxiliary qubit in the ground state |0〉, and two participants can transmit an unknown single-qubit state to each other. In the rotation and cyclic rotation schemes, bidirectional transmission is performed between two adjacent participants in turn. The unknown state qubits of the participants collapse into the ground state after one bidirectional transmission, and can be used as auxiliary qubits in subsequent bidirectional transmission. After a complete state rotation, each participant has held the unknown state of the other participants, and the last one owned by the participant is still the original unknown state. Although the schemes we proposed are applicable to a small range of transmission, they have certain advantages in saving quantum resources.