Instability analysis of vibrated thermo-convection in Casson nanofluid suspension
This work is motivated by the importance of vertical vibration in nanofluids suspension, because of its wide applications in heat exchangers from one fluid to another, controlling the mixing in microvolumes, pharmaceutical industry, and engineering. The current study analyzes the effects of high-frequency vertical vibration on a horizontal Casson nanofluid layer heated from below saturated between rigid-rigid, rigid-free, and free-free boundary conditions. Field equations are derived by using time-average method, which describes the vibrational thermo-convection. These field equations are solved by utilizing linear stability analysis and Galerkin technique to obtain the thermal stability curve. By using this curve, the impacts of vertical vibration and physical governing factors on temperature profile are discussed. High-frequency vertical vibration is observed to have a stabilizing effect on Casson nanofluid suspension, thereby reducing thermo-convective heat transfer from one fluid to another. Stability threshold of vibrated suspension is increased approximately as 5.748% and 81.937% when Rv→50 and Rv→100, respectively. The significance of Brownian motion and thermophoretic force on convective heat transfer with vertical vibration is discussed. The resisting nature of Casson nanofluid on vibrational convective heat transfer is also tabulated.