Novel Nanometric Reversible Low Power Bidirectional Universal Logarithmic Barrel Shifter with Overflow and Zero Flags
One of the most important issues in designing VLSI circuits is power consumption. Reversible logic which is widely utilized in quantum computing, low power CMOS design, optical information processing, bioinformatics and nanotechnology-based systems decreases power loss. A reversible circuit has zero internal power dissipation because it does not lose information. Reversible barrel shifters are required to construct reversible embedded digital signal and general-purpose processors. Data shifting is often used in high-speed/low-power error-control applications, floating point normalization, address decoding and bit indexing. This paper proposes a novel reversible bidirectional universal barrel shifter which is applied in high speed and high performance applications. The proposed barrel shifter is designed in a single circuit with overflow and zero flags. It performs three operations consisting of rotating, logical and arithmetic shifting that transfers and shifts data in both directions. The design is evaluated and formulated in terms of number of garbage outputs, number of constant inputs, quantum cost, number of reversible gates and hardware complexity. All the scales are in nanometric area.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Emre Salman.