Temporal and Semantic Fusion for Multi-Label Crime Classification via a TCN-BERT-Coupled Approach
Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques leverage the justice system in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. AI-empowered multi-label crime classification can facilitate the precise and expedient categorization of various legal documents. Multi-label classification within the justice system has an indispensable role in achieving accurate legal categorization that invigorates case analysis, optimizes resource distribution and refines the contours of legal processes. To support this critical function, this paper proposes a temporal convolutional network (TCN)-bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT)-coupled model for multi-label crime classification. The proposed method fuses the temporal formation and semantic information in the model to obtain a high-quality result. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieved the best accuracy in comparison to existing methods on a public dataset.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Tongquan Wei.