Due to the increasing number of applications for various purposes, including commercial, scientific, environmental, and military ones, Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) have recently attracted substantial attention from academia and enterprises in research and development. Monitoring pollutants, tactical surveillance, tsunami alerts, and offshore drilling are some important applications. Due to acoustic transmission disruptions brought on by extreme noise, extraordinarily lengthy propagation delays, a high bit error rate, a constrained bandwidth, and interference, efficient sensor communication in UWSNs is a difficult challenge. Therefore, designing efficient communication among sensors and sinks is one of the fundamental research themes in UWSNs. This paper proposes an energy-efficient optimal cluster head (CH)-based routing in UWSNs. The proposed methodology consists of three stages namely, cluster formation, CH selection, and priority-based routing. In this study, initially, the clusters are formed using a k-means clustering algorithm. Then, the CHs are selected using the Adaptive Honey Badger optimization (AHBO) algorithm, which is used to reduce energy consumption and delay. AHBO is a combination of a honey badger, Levy flight, and genetic algorithm operators. After the CH selection process, data packets are transferred toward the base station through autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The efficiency of the proposed approach is analyzed based on different metrics and performance compared with the different methods.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Giuseppe Ferri.