We review a number of methods to prove nonintegrability of Hamiltonian systems and focus on 3 Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) systems listing the known results for the prominent resonances. Associated with the Hamiltonian systems are the averaged-normal forms that provide us with geometric insight, approximations of orbits and measures of chaos. Symmetries do change the qualitative and quantitative pictures; we illustrate this for the 1:2:1 resonance with discrete symmetry in the 1st and 3rd DoF. In this case, the averaged-normal form is still nonintegrable, but it becomes integrable when adding discrete symmetry in all DoF. Apart from the short-periodic solutions obtained by averaging, we find many periodic solutions. There is numerical evidence of the presence of Šilnikov bifurcation which clarifies the presence of nonintegrability phenomena qualitatively and quantitatively.