An Evaluation Method for Content Analysis Based on Twitter Content Influence
Twitter is a microblogging website, which has different characteristics from any other social networking service (SNS) in that it has one-directional relationships between users with short posts of less than 140 characters. These characteristics make Twitter not only a social network but also a news media. In addition, Twitter posts have been used and analyzed in various fields such as marketing, prediction of presidential elections, and requirement analysis. With an increase in Twitter usage, we need a more effective method to analyze Twitter content. In this paper, we propose a method for content analysis based on the influence of Twitter content. For measuring Twitter influence, we use the number of followers of the content author, retweet count, and currency of time. We perform experiments to compare the proposed method, frequency, numerical statistics, user influence, and sentiment score. The results show that the proposed method is slightly better than the other methods. In addition, we discuss Twitter characteristics and a method for an effective analysis of Twitter content.