The diffusion of cells in a viscous incompressible fluid (e.g. water) may be viewed like movement in a porous medium and there is a bidirectorial oxygen exchange between water and their surrounding air in thin fluid layers near the air–water contact surface. This leads to the following chemotaxis-Navier–Stokes system with nonlinear diffusion:
endowed with the inhomogeneous boundary conditions
and the initial data
(n,c,u)(0)=(n0,c0,u0) in
Ω, where the incoming oxygen
a2 is non-negative, and the outgoing oxygen molecule is modeled by
−a1c with positive coefficient
a1. In this paper, we investigate the asymptotic dynamics of the above system in a bounded domain
Ω⊂ℝ2 with the smooth boundary
∂Ω. We will show that arbitrary porous medium diffusion mechanism
(m>1) can inhibit the singularity formation. In the incoming oxygen-free case, we further prove that the solution will stabilize to the unique mass-preserving spatial equilibrium
(¯n0,0,0) in the sense that as
hold uniformly with respect to
x∈Ω, where