Theoretical considerations of fundamental physics, as well as certain cosmological observations, persistently point out to permissibility, and maybe necessity, of macroscopic modifications of the Einstein general relativity. The field theoretical formulation of general relativity helped us to identify the phenomenological seeds of such modifications. They take place in the form of very specific mass terms, which appear in addition to the field theoretical analog of the usual Hilbert–Einstein Lagrangian. We derive and study exact nonlinear equations of the theory, along with its linear approximation. We interpret the added terms as masses of spin-2 and spin-0 gravitons. The arising finite-range gravity is a fully consistent theory, which smoothly approaches general relativity in the massless limit, that is, when both masses tend to zero and the range of gravity tends to infinity. We show that all local weak-field predictions of the theory are in perfect agreement with the available experimental data. However, some other conclusions of the nonlinear massive theory are in a striking contrast with those of general relativity. We show in detail how the arbitrarily small mass terms eliminate the black hole event horizon and replace a permanent power-law expansion of a homogeneous isotropic universe with an oscillatory behaviour. One variant of the theory allows the cosmological scale factor to exhibit an 'accelerated expansion' instead of slowing down to a regular maximum of expansion. We show in detail why the traditional, Fierz–Pauli, massive gravity is in conflict not only with the static-field experiments, but also with the available indirect gravitational-wave observations. At the same time, we demonstrate the incorrectness of the widely held belief that the non-Fierz–Pauli theories possess "negative energies" and "instabilities."
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