A cosmology of a trans-Planckian theory and dark energy
We investigate a model based on a generalized version of the Fourier transform for curved spacetime manifolds. This model is possible if the metric has an asymptotic flat region which allows a duality to be implement between coordinates and momenta, hence, the model's name, trans-Planckian. The theory and the action are based on the postulate of the absolute egalitarian relation between coordinates x and momenta p. We show how to implement this construction in a cosmological setting, on a Friedman–Robertson–Walker (FRW) metric background, where the asymptotic time infinity plays the role of the required asymptotic flat region. We discuss the effect of gravity, and, in particular, of the Hubble expansion of the universe scale factor on the Fourier map. The dual-inflationary stage is responsible for making the dual-sector of the action inaccessible at ordinary low energies. We propose a scenario in which an effective positive cosmological constant is caused by how the dual-sector of the theory affects the equation of state for matter particles.
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