Non-canonical Chameleon cosmology
One of the most important issues in modern cosmology is understanding the origin of the accelerated expansion of the universe, known as “dark energy”. The scalar–tensor model is one of the most interesting candidates for describing dark energy. In this paper, we investigate the non-canonical scalar model, which is written in the framework of Chameleon models. In this model, the scalar field is coupled to a mass density ρm under an arbitrary g(ϕ) coupling function. We study the cosmological aspect of this model according to its Chameleon state and we conclude that for high densities, the mass of the Chameleon field becomes larger, so its effect will not be seen in high-density areas. We also examine the dynamical behavior of this model for different coupling functions and potentials. According to the dynamic behavior of the model, we can conclude that using this model can explain the accelerated expansion of the universe. Finally, we investigate the tensor perturbations in this model and show that the mass of the gravitational waves obtained in the framework of this model can be in good agreement with the observations.
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