LIGO-India: A decadal assessment on its scope, relevance, progress and future
The LIGO-India project to build and operate an advanced LIGO (aLIGO) gravitational wave (GW) detector in India in collaboration with LIGO-USA was initiated as an Indian national mega-science project in 2011. The project relied on the advantage of a head start and cost saving due to the ready availability of most of the aLIGO interferometer components from LIGO-USA, approved by the National Science Foundation. A suitable site was selected and the provisional governmental approval for project was obtained in 2016, immediately following the first direct detection of gravitational waves with the aLIGO detectors. I had discussed the scope and the science case of the project, as well as the plans for its realization by 2022 in a paper [C. S. Unnikrishnan, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 22 (2013) 1341010, arXiv:1510.06059]. With the KAGRA GW detector in Japan being tuned to be part of the GW detector network, it is now the occasion to assess the progress of the LIGO-India project, and evaluate its relevance and scope for GW science and astronomy. Various key factors in the implementation of the project are reassessed in the backdrop of the projected evolution of the global GW detector sensitivity. In my realistic estimate, it will take more than a decade, beyond 2034, and nearly thrice the original budget to commission and operate the detector with a good fraction of the projected design sensitivity. My decadal assessment points to the eroded scientific relevance of the LIGO-India detector in the GW detector network of the next decade. I argue that the only solution to regain its scientific relevance is to re-plan and relaunch the LIGO-India detector in an upgraded A# version, similar to the projected post-O5 upgrade of the LIGO-USA detectors beyond 2029.
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