A systematic study on αα-decay chains of superheavy nuclei, Z=126Z=126 && 138138
The αα-decay chain of 314−340126314−340126 and 350−400138350−400138 is studied using cubic plus proximity potential with improved transfer matrix (CPP-ITM) model. The nuclear mass models DD-PC1, WS4, WS3.3 are employed to evaluate the αα-decay energies. Thus calculated αα-decay half-lives and decay chain lengths are found to be in good agreement with other theoretical formalisms. The spontaneous fission (SF) half-lives are calculated using the formalism of Xu et al. [Phys. Rev. C71 (2005) 014309; Phys. Rev. C78 (2008) 044329] to have a vision on the possible decay modes and decay chain lengths, and the most probable decay chains associated with the isotopes of Z=126Z=126&&138138. This paper unveils the mass region that survives fission and also predict the long αα-decay chains of Z=126Z=126&&138138 with 314126314126 emitting 6αα, 316&318126316&318126 emit 5αα&&320126320126 4αα particles, while for 350,352,354,356&358138350,352,354,356&358138 chains will have 8,7,6,5α8,7,6,5α emission. The SF for Z=126Z=126&&138138 occur at A≥330A≥330 and A≥372A≥372. These current predictions may pave way to detect/synthesize the most probable isotopes of the superheavy elements Z=126Z=126&&138138 in the laboratory through future experiments.
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