Polarization phenomenon in heavy-ion collisions
The strongly interacting system created in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions behaves almost as an ideal fluid with rich patterns of the velocity field exhibiting strong vortical structure. Vorticity of the fluid, via spin-orbit coupling, leads to particle spin polarization. Due to the finite orbital momentum of the system, the polarization on average is not zero. It depends on the particle momenta reflecting the spatial variation of the local vorticity. In the last few years, this field experienced a rapid growth due to experimental discoveries of the global and local polarizations. Recent measurements triggered further development of the theoretical description of the spin dynamics and suggestions of several new mechanisms for particle polarization. In this review, we focus mostly on the experimental results. We compare the measurements with the existing theoretical calculations but try to keep the discussion of possible underlying physics at the qualitative level. Future measurements and how they can help to answer open theoretical questions are also discussed. We pay a special attention to the employed experimental methods, as well as to the detector effects and associated corrections to the measurements.
1Introduction: Polarization as a Collective Phenomenon | 2 |
2Global and Local Polarizations | 5 |
2.1Nonrelativistic vorticity and the global polarization, 〈P−y〉 | 5 |
2.2Role of the magnetic field | 6 |
2.3Anisotropic flow and polarization along the beam direction | 7 |
2.4Circular polarization, Pϕ; polarization along x-direction, Px | 8 |
3Spin and Polarization in Hydrodynamic Description | 9 |
3.1Kinematic vorticity, thermal gradients, acceleration | 9 |
3.2SIP and the spin Hall effect | 11 |
3.3Additional comments | 12 |
4How is it Measured? | 13 |
4.1Self-analyzing weak decays of hyperons | 13 |
4.1.1Multistrange hyperons and two-step decays | 14 |
4.2Global polarization measurement | 14 |
4.2.1Global polarization in which frame? | 16 |
4.3Measuring polarization induced by anisotropic flow | 16 |
4.4Feed-down effect | 17 |
4.5Vector mesons’ spin alignment | 17 |
4.6Detector acceptance effects | 19 |
4.6.1Polarization along the initial angular momentum | 19 |
4.6.2Polarization along the beam direction | 20 |
4.6.3Acceptance effects in spin alignment measurements | 20 |
5Overview of Experimental Results | 21 |
5.1Global polarization of Λ hyperons | 21 |
5.1.1Energy dependence | 21 |
5.1.2Particle-antiparticle difference | 23 |
5.1.3Differential measurements | 25 |
5.2Global polarization of multistrange hyperons | 27 |
5.3Global spin alignment of vector mesons | 29 |
5.4Polarization along the beam direction | 31 |
6Open questions and future perspective | 34 |
7Summary | 35 |
1. Introduction: Polarization as a Collective Phenomenon
The discovery of the global polarization in heavy-ion collisions, the hyperon polarization along the system orbital momentum,1,2 followed by the measurements of the polarization along the beam direction,3 opened totally new opportunities for study of the nuclear collision dynamics and the properties of the quark–gluon plasma (QGP), as well as for deeper understanding of the spin and its transport in QGP medium. These polarization measurements are among the most significant discoveries made in heavy-ion collision program along with observations of the strong elliptic flow and jet quenching,4,5,6,7 and have generated intense theoretical discussions as well as experimental activities.
The phenomenon of the global polarization in heavy-ion collisions arises from the partial conversion of the orbital angular momentum of the colliding nuclei into the spin angular momentum of produced particles.8,9,10 As a result, the particles on average become polarized along the direction of the initial orbital momentum of the two colliding nuclei. The term “global” in the name of the phenomenon indicates that the component of the particle polarization along the system orbital momentum is not zero when averaged over all produced particles. The origin of the polarization in heavy-ion collisions is in the collective motion of the strongly interacting fluid, and it is unlikely to be related to the hyperon polarization (with respect to the production plane) observed in pp and pA collisions.11
In a noncentral nuclear collision, the most prominent pattern in the initial collective velocity distribution is a shear of the velocity field, dvz/dx≠0, where the z-direction is chosen along the beam, and the x-direction is along the impact parameter vector defined as a vector connecting the centers of the two nuclei pointing from the “target” to the “projectile” nucleus, the latter defined as the one moving in the positive z-direction, see Fig. 1. Such a shear in the velocity field leads to nonzero vorticity characterizing the local orbital angular momentum density. Particle binary interactions in the system would have on average nonzero orbital angular momentum, which will be partially converted into spin of the final-state particles. For example, in a system with nonzero vorticity consisting of pions, the colliding pions have a preferential direction for their orbital angular momentum, and the spin of ρ mesons produced in such collisions (π+π−→ρ0) would point in that very direction.9

Fig. 1. (Color online) Schematic view of a nuclear collision with x and z being the impact parameter and beam directions, respectively. The system orbital angular momentum as well as the magnetic field points into the page, opposite to the direction of the y-axis. Solid yellow arrows indicate collective velocity field at z=0. Open arrow indicates vorticity of the system.
The idea of the global polarization is almost 20 years old with the initial predictions for the quark and final particles polarization as high as “in the order of tens of a percent”.8 As pointed in Ref. 9, the global polarization phenomenon, if that strong, could affect the interpretation of different measurements. In particular, the polarization of the vector mesons would have a significant contribution to the elliptic flow measurements.9,12 The decay products of the vector resonances with spin pointing perpendicular to the reaction plane have the angular distribution enhancing the in-plane particle production and thus contributing to the elliptic flow measurements. The first measurements13 of the global polarization of Λ hyperons in Au+Au collisions at 200GeV by the STAR Collaboration put an upper limit on hyperon polarization of |PΛ|≤0.02. Subsequently, the theoretical predictions have been improved14 to be consistent with these experimental results.
Particle polarization is determined by the vorticity of the fluid element where the particle has been produced. Due to the strong space–momentum correlation present in the system, the polarization of the particles in a certain momentum range would reflect the vorticity in the regions where those particles are predominantly emitted from. Thus, while averaged over the entire system only the “global” polarization component survives, the polarization in general depends on the particle momentum. Such polarization is often referred to as “local”. The nontrivial local vorticity can originate, for example, due to propagation of highly energetic jets produced by the partons hard scattering,15,16 or due to collective expansion of the system.17,18,19,20 An important example of that is the polarization along the beam direction due to (transverse) anisotropic flow, discussed first in Ref. 18 on a basis of a simple Blast-Wave model, as well as observed in full hydrodynamical calculations.19
A short review format does not allow to describe and discuss in detail all the results and the questions under discussion. Our goal is to provide a more general picture of the field, to emphasize the major developments in our understanding of the phenomena and formulate outstanding questions, and to outline the relation of the current and future measurements to the underlying physics. In the first section of the review, we focus the discussion on the nature of the phenomenon. We use a very simple picture based on Glauber and Blast-Wave models for illustrations and rough estimates. Then we discuss the experimental side of the measurements, emphasizing the details important for the interpretation of the results and their uncertainties, as well as what is needed to accomplish this or other measurements. We proceed with an overview of available results and their current theoretical interpretations. The overview of the experimental results is followed by a summary of what we have learned so far, open questions and future perspectives.
In the following discussion, we refer to x-, y- and z-components of the polarization according to the coordinate system depicted in Figs. 1 and 2. In such a coordinate system, the global polarization would be given by the average of −Py=P−y, and the polarization along the beam direction is given by Pz. The global averages (over all particles and momenta) of Pz and Px components (more exactly, the components of the total spin angular momentum) are expected to be zero.

Fig. 2. (a) A transverse plane distribution of the z-component of the velocity of participant nucleons in the center-of-mass frame, (b) dvz/dx distribution weighted with participant nucleon density, (c) the same for dvz/dy, based on the Glauber model.
2. Global and Local Polarizations
2.1. Nonrelativistic vorticity and the global polarization, 〈P−y〉
A very significant development leading to a fast progress in this field was an application of the statistical methods to vortical fluid with nonzero spin particles,21 and development of the hydrodynamical calculations based on the assumption of the local angular momentum equilibrium.22 A rough estimate of the polarization can be obtained with the help of a simple nonrelativistica formula describing the particle distribution in a fluid with nonzero vorticity23
For spin-1/2 particles, the vorticity contribution to the polarization is P=ω/2T.b Averaged over the entire system volume, the vorticity direction coincides with the direction of the system orbital angular momentum. Note that the magnetic field created by fast positively charged nuclei is also pointing in the same direction.
Figure 1 shows a cartoon of a noncentral nuclear collision with solid arrows indicating the velocity field of the matter at the plane z=0. One can estimate the vorticity as ωy≈−12∂vz/∂x where vz is the net-velocity along the beam direction that depends on the number of participants coming from the target versus projectile nuclei. The magnitude of vz is reflected in the length of the solid arrows in Fig. 1. For a rough estimate of the vorticity, we present the velocity (vz) distribution in the transverse plane in Fig. 2(a). In these calculations, the velocity was estimated as vz=(nP−nT)/(nP+nT) where nP and nT are the densities of the projectile and target nucleon participants (nucleons that experienced inelastic collisions) obtained by a simple Glauber model. The middle and right plots in Fig. 2 show the derivatives dv*z/dx and dv*z/dy (with the asterisks denoting the quantities in the rest frame of the fluid) weighted with the density of participating nucleons (roughly proportional to the produced particle density). From these estimates, one concludes that the vorticity might be as large as a few percent of fm−1. Then the nonrelativistic formula (1) yields for the spin-1/2 particle polarization, P≈ω/(2T), in the range of a few percent (assuming T∼100MeV). Note that this simple estimate ignores the effect of nuclear transparency at high energies where the vorticity values could be significantly lower.
The vorticity of the system, especially its component along the system’s orbital momentum, is directly related to the asymmetries in the initial velocity fields and thus it is intimately related to the directed flow v1.24,25,26 The v1 is defined by the first Fourier moment v1=〈cos(φ−ΨRP)〉 of the produced particles’ azimuthal distribution relative to the collision reaction plane angle ΨRP. Hydrodynamic simulations show that the orbital angular momentum stored in the system and the directed flow of charged particles are almost directly proportional to each other.26 This allows for an empirical estimate of the collision energy dependence of the global polarization.18 The STAR results for the directed flow27,28 and the hyperon global polarization1,2 from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan (BES) program show that the slopes of v1 at midrapidity (dv1/dη) for charged hadrons and the hyperon polarization are indeed strongly correlated. The charged-particle directed flow in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76TeV29 is about three times smaller than at the top RHIC energy of 200GeV.30 This suggests that the global polarization at the LHC energies should be also about three times smaller than at RHIC and decreasing from √sNN=2.76TeV to 5.02TeV by about ∼20%.31 Even smaller polarization values at the LHC are expected when the directed flow is considered as a combination of the two effects — the tilt of the source in the longitudinal direction and the dipole flow originating from the asymmetry in the initial energy density distributions.32 Taking into account that only the contribution to the directed flow from the tilted source is related to the vorticity and that its contribution relative to the dipole flow decreases with the collision energy,32 one arrives to an estimate for the global polarization at the LHC energies of the order of 0.15–0.2 of that at the top RHIC energy.
2.2. Role of the magnetic field
In addition to possessing of the large orbital angular momentum, the system also experiences a strong magnetic field, of the order of B∼e/m2π∼1014T, generated in the initial state of the collision33,34,35 by the fast moving electrically charged nuclei and by the spectator protons after the collision. The direction of the magnetic field coincides with that of the orbital angular momentum. Therefore, the measured global polarization would include a contribution from the magnetic field, see Eq. (2), especially if the magnetic field is sustained for longer time by the presence of the QGP.36 Unlike to the case for vorticity contribution, the contribution from the magnetic field is opposite for particles and antiparticles because of the difference in signs of the magnetic moments μ in Eq. (2). The lifetime of the initial magnetic field depends on the electric conductivity of the QGP, which is poorly known. Precise measurements of the polarization difference between particles and antiparticles can provide an important constraint on the magnitude of the magnetic field at the hadronization time,23,37 as well as on medium conductivity. Such information is of particular importance for study of the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME).38
At lower collision energies, the passing time of two nuclei becomes larger, and therefore, the lifetime of the magnetic field is extended. Also, the medium created in the collision has positive net-charge due to baryon stopping. If the system with nonzero charge rotates, a magnetic field might be created at relatively later stage. Such late-stage magnetic fields may also contribute to the observed polarization.39
In the global polarization picture based on the vorticity, one expects different particles to be polarized depending only on the particle spin in accordance with Eq. (2). A deviation could arise from effects of the initial magnetic field mentioned above, and from the fact that different particles are produced at different times or regions as the system freezes out,40 or through meson–baryon interactions.41 Therefore, to understand the nature of the global polarization, it is crucial to measure the polarization of different particles, and if possible, particles with different spins. The polarization measurement with particles of different magnetic moments would provide additional information on the magnitude of the magnetic field. For example, the magnetic moment of Ω hyperon is three times larger than that of Λ hyperon (μΩ−=−2.02μN and μΛ=−0.613μN where μN is the nuclear magneton). Thus Ω hyperons are more sensitive to the magnetic field contribution to the polarization.
Comparing the polarization between particles and antiparticles, it might be important to account for the effects of nonzero baryon chemical potential,42 especially at lower collisions energies. Besides directly affecting the quark distributions, the nonzero chemical potential could lead to different freeze-out conditions, and thus to different effective vorticities responsible for the particle polarization. However, overall such effects are expected to be relatively small.
2.3. Anisotropic flow and polarization along the beam direction
Anisotropic flow leads to nontrivial collective velocity fields in the transverse direction, which in its turn would manifest itself via particle polarization along the beam direction.18 The polarization Pz component dependence on the azimuthal angle would in general follow the anisotropic flow pattern of the same harmonic. We use a simple Blast-Wave model to illustrate this phenomenon below.
In a simplest version of the Blast-Wave model including anisotropic flow,18,43,44 the particle production source at freeze-out is parametrized with five parameters: temperature T, maximum transverse radial flow velocity (rapidity) ρt,max and amplitude of the azimuthal modulation in expansion velocity denoted as bn, parameter R characterizing the size and the spatial anisotropy parameter an. The source, see Fig. 3(left), is then described by the following equations :

Fig. 3. (Color online) Transverse plane schematic view of the system leading to elliptic (left) and triangular flow (right). Red solid arrows indicate the expansion velocity, the largest along the greatest density gradients defining the flow angles, Ψ2 (coincides with x-axis) and Ψ3. In the left sketch, ϕs denotes azimuthal angle of the source element which is boosted to ϕb direction. Blue open arrows indicate local vorticities induced by the anisotropic flow.
2.4. Circular polarization, Pϕ; polarization along x-direction, Px
Nonuniform stopping in the transverse plane, and dependence of the expansion velocity on rapidity leads to toroidal structure of the velocity field.20,46 Theoretical calculations suggest that a vortex ring could be created at very forward/backward regions, most prominent in the central collisions. Even a better pronounced vortex ring could be created when smaller object passes through larger object such as central asymmetric collisions of Cu+Au, d+Au and p+Au as first proposed in Ref. 18, see Fig. 4. The calculations47 show that the polarization due to such vortex rings could reach values as high as a few percent. The smaller object could be replaced with a jet instead of the nucleus.16 According to the simulation of jet interacting with medium,15,48 vortex rings can be created around the path which jet passes through in the medium.

Fig. 4. (Color online) A schematic view of a central asymmetric collision, such as Cu+Au, before (left) and after (right) the collision. The blue open arrows indicate the vorticity at the outer edges of the collision zone.
The axis of such a vortex ring is along the azimuthal direction relative to the smaller-nucleus-going or jet-going direction. The expected polarization in case of central A+B collisions can be expressed as Pϕ∝ˆpT×ẑ where ˆpT and ˆz are the unit vectors along the particle transverse momentum and the beam direction, respectively (replace ˆz with a unit vector pointing along the jet axis in case for the jet-induced polarization). Such measurement would require a careful treatment of the detector acceptance effects, excluding left–right asymmetry in particle reconstruction.
Finally, we note the importance of the polarization measurements along the impact parameter direction, Px. Theoretical models20,49 suggest that Px has an azimuthal dependence following sin(2ϕ) curve where ϕ is the hyperon’s azimuthal angle relative to the reaction plane. Such a dependence on the azimuthal angle is also expected from simple calculations based on the Glauber model, see right panel in Fig. 2 where ωx∝12∂vz/∂y. This component could also have a contribution from the so-called shear-induced polarization (SIP), see the discussion in Sec. 3.2. Similarly to the Pϕ measurements, these measurements could be technically difficult accounting for the acceptance effect.
3. Spin and Polarization in Hydrodynamic Description
3.1. Kinematic vorticity, thermal gradients, acceleration
The Blast-Wave model described in Sec. 2.3 is likely a gross oversimplification of the reality. It accounts, though still approximately, only for the contribution from so-called kinematic vorticity neglecting several other potentially important contributions. At the same time, as we discuss below, it describes surprisingly well the main features of the data. In relativistic hydrodynamics, the mean spin vector of s=1/2 particles with mass m and four-momentum p is given by the following equation22 :
It is instructive to rewrite the expression (12) in the rest frame of the fluid, where uμ=(1,0,0,0), D=∂t, ∇μ=(0,∇) and ωμ=(0,ω)
For completeness, we also present an equation for the average spin vector transformation
3.2. SIP and the spin hall effect
Very recently, two groups50,51 independently reported a new mechanism for the spin polarization — so-called “SIP” originated in symmetric part of the velocity gradients ξμν=1/2(∂μuν+∂νuμ). Note that the expression for the polarization due to symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor obtained by two groups is similar but not exactly the same with one qualitative difference as that the expressions obtained in Ref. 51 explicitly depend on the freeze-out hyper-surface shape, while the expression in Ref. 50 allows “local” interpretation. For our qualitative discussion of the effect below, we will use the definition in Ref. 50.
The origin of SIP is the motion of a particle in anisotropic fluid. It is zero if the particle is moving with the fluid velocity, which is in contrast to the polarization due to vorticity. It is clearly seen if the corresponding expressions are written in the fluid rest frame uμ=(1,0,0,0)
One can see that the SIP contribution to the polarization is suppressed by the order of (p/E)2 compared to vorticity contribution and become zero for particles moving with the fluid velocity. It was also pointed out recently that the chemical potential gradients could also contribute to the polarization. This contribution identified as the “spin Hall effect” (SHE).52 In the fluid rest frame
3.3. Additional comments
While several model calculations do show a significant contribution to the hyperon polarization from temperature gradients and acceleration, in our more qualitative discussion, we mostly argue on the basis of the contribution from kinematic vorticity. The freeze-out temperature of the system is about ∼100MeV, and all the hyperons are nonrelativistic in the local fluid frame. For that reason, we also often estimate the polarization in the fluid frame, although all the experimental measurements are performed in the particle rest frame. We do treat the hyperons as relativistic in the laboratory frame though, as the fluid collective motion is relativistic. The nonrelativistic treatment might fail if the final particle polarization is due to the coalescence of initially (during the system evolution before the hadronization) polarized (constituent) quarks, with masses that are only factor of 2–3 higher than the temperature.
All hydrodynamic calculations use the Cooper–Frye prescription53 for the fluid freeze-out. This prescription has several known problems (see, e.g., Refs. 54 and 55), which might be not very important for calculations of the particle spectra, but it is not known how good the Cooper–Frye prescription is for calculation of the polarization. In particular, the contributions from the temperature gradients and acceleration might be questionable, as the very concept of freeze-out assumes insignificance of those effect. Then their contributions would be related to the corresponding relaxation times of the system. Note that if found significant, the measurement of those effects might provide unique information about the velocity and temperature gradients at freeze-out, for which the particle spectra are mostly insensitive.
Vortical effects may also strongly affect the baryon dynamics of the system, leading to a separation of baryon and antibaryons along the vorticity direction (perpendicular to the reaction plane) — the so-called Chiral Vortical Effect (CVE).38 The CVE is similar in many respect to the more familiar CME— the electric charge separation along the magnetic field. For reviews on those and similar effects, as well as the status of the experimental search for those phenomena, see Refs. 38, 56 and 57. For a reliable theoretical calculation of both effects, one has to know the vorticity of the created system as well as the evolution of (electro)magnetic field.
In view of the recent polarization measurements in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, note the discussion58 of a physical meaning of the spin angular momentum in quantum field theory and relativistic hydrodynamics.
4. How is it Measured?
4.1. Self-analyzing weak decays of hyperons
The hyperon weak decays provide a most straightforward way to experimentally measure polarization of particles produced in heavy-ion collisions. Because of its parity-violating weak decay, the angular distribution of the decay products at the hyperon rest frame obeys the following relation :
4.1.1. Multistrange hyperons and two-step decays
Multistrange hyperons such as Ξ and Ω decay in two steps. For example, in case of Ξ− hyperon (spin-1/2), Ξ−→Λ+π− with subsequent decay Λ→p+π−. If Ξ− is polarized, its polarization is partially transferred to the daughter Λ. Both steps in such a cascade decay are parity-violating and thus can be used for an independent measurement of the parent hyperon polarization. The decay parameter for Ξ−→Λ+π− is αΞ−=−0.401±0.010.59 This value of αΞ was constrained by the measurement of the product of αΞαΛ with the αΛ measured separately, therefore, the change of αΛ would affect the value of αΞ as well. We also note that the recent direct measurement of αΞ60 suggests a slightly different value (αΞ=−0.376±0.007).
The polarization of the daughter baryon in the weak decay of a spin-1/2 hyperon is described by the Lee–Yang formula62,63,64 with three decay parameters; α, β and γ, where α is a parity-violating part reflecting decay asymmetry as mentioned above, β accounts for the violation of the time-reversal symmetry and γ satisfies α2+β2+γ2=1. For a particular case of Ξ→Λ+π decay, the daughter Λ polarization in its rest frame can be written as
This shows that the polarization of Ξ− is transferred to daughter Λ almost at its full value. We also would like to point out that the value of the γ parameter is constrained by the measured α and ϕ as γ=(1−α2)cos2ϕ where ϕ=tan−1β/γ, therefore, the change in α parameter as well as ϕ value would also lead to a change in the γ parameter.
The polarization of the daughter baryon in a two-particle decay of spin-3/2 hyperon, i.e., Ω→Λ+K, can be also described by three parameters αΩ, βΩ and γΩ.65 The decay parameter αΩ determines the angular distribution of Λ in the Ω rest frame and is measured to be small59: αΩ=0.0157±0.0021c; this means that the measurement of Ω polarization via analysis of the daughter Λ angular distribution is practically impossible. The polarization transfer in this decay is determined by the γΩ parameter as65,66,67
4.2. Global polarization measurement
Polarization component along the initial orbital angular momentum L for hyperons, referred to as global polarization when averaged over all produced particles, can be obtained by integrating Eq. (18) over the polar angle of daughter baryon θ*B and the reaction plane angle ΨRP, considering the projection of the polarization onto the direction L. In Eq. (18), P*H⋅ˆp*B can be substituted with PHcosθ*=PHsinθ*Bsin(ΨRP−ϕ*B) where θ* is the angle between the polarization vector and momentum of daughter baryon in the hyperon rest frame, and ϕ*B and θ*B are azimuthal and polar angles of daughter baryon in the hyperon rest frame. Then the average of sin(ΨRP−ϕ*B) is calculated as
Experimentally, the first-order event plane angle Ψ1 is used as a proxy of ΨRP. Then Eq. (25) can be rewritten to take into account for the event plane resolution as follows13 :
Equation (26) provides a possibility to measure global polarization of hyperons by measuring only azimuthal distributions of the daughter baryon. While this approach based on well-established anisotropic flow techniques, a slightly better statistical accuracy could be achieved by measuring the full angular distribution, including polar angle. In this case
4.2.1. Global polarization in which frame?
As defined in Eq. (18), the polarization is measured in the hyperon rest frame and the global polarization is the polarization component along the orbital angular momentum L direction in the center-of-mass frame of heavy-ion collisions as shown in Eq. (26). Strictly speaking, the L direction in Λ rest frame is different from the L direction in the center-of-mass frame of heavy-ion collisions, and therefore, the proper treatment of the reference frame and measured polarization is needed. Florkowski and Ryblewski69 studies the effect of the frame difference in the measurement of global polarization and found that the effect is small and reaches about 10% for high transverse momentum (pT∼4–5GeV/c). Note that the mean pT for Λ is ∼1GeV/c70 depending on the centrality and collision energy, and could be slightly higher (pT∼1.5GeV/c) with the kinematic cut for Λ used in the polarization measurement.
4.3. Measuring polarization induced by anisotropic flow
As already mentioned in Sec. 2.3, one can expect that azimuthal anisotropic flow would lead to a vorticity pointing along the beam direction. The orientation, along or opposite to the beam, in this case depends on the azimuthal angle of the particle. Similarly to the case of the global polarization, the longitudinal component of the polarization Pz can be obtained by integrating Eq. (18) as ∫dN/dΩ*cosθ*dΩ* in which PH⋅ˆp*B is replaced by Pzcosθ*B, where θ*B is the polar angle of daughter baryon in the parent hyperon rest frame. This leads to
As follows from considerations in Sec. 2.3, see Eq. (4), the polarization induced by nth harmonic anisotropic flow, if any, is expected to depend on the azimuthal angle of hyperons as Pz(ϕ)∝sin[n(ϕ−Ψn)]. Then such a polarization can be quantified by the corresponding Fourier coefficient
4.4. Feed-down effect
It is known that a significant amount of Λ and Ξ hyperons comes from decays of heavier particles, such as Σ0, Σ* and Ξ baryons for Λ, and Ξ(1530) baryons for Ξ. While the secondary particles from weak decays can be reduced, though not completely, using information on the decay topology, particles decayed via strong interaction cannot be separated from primary particles experimentally due to their short lifetimes. If the parent particles are polarized, the polarization is transferred to the daughter hyperons with certain polarization transfer factor, as discussed with Eqs. (20) and (22). The transfer factor C depends on the type of decays and could be negative, for instance, CΣ0Λ=−1/3 for the electromagnetic decay of Σ0→Λ+γ.23 Based on model studies,23,49,71,72,73 such feed-down contribution is found to suppress the polarization of inclusively measured Λ compared to primary Λ by 10–20% depending on the model used. In case for Ξ hyperons, Ξ(1530) has spin-3/2 and the polarization transfer factor in the decay of Ξ(1530)→Ξ−+π is equal to unity. Therefore, the feed-down contribution for Ξ leads to the enhancement of the polarization of inclusive Ξ by ∼25%.73
Although the effect of feed-down is not so significant, it is important to assess the effect, especially when extracting physical quantities such as the vorticity and magnetic field at the freeze-out. Note that the feed-down correction relies on the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium for spin degree of freedom as formulated in Ref. 23. However, it is not clear if the relaxation time is similar for the vorticity and magnetic field. Furthermore, actual situation may be more complicated since some of the particles have a shorter lifetime than the system lifetime (10–15fm/c).
4.5. Vector mesons’ spin alignment
Vector mesons, s=1 particles, can be also utilized to study the particle polarization in heavy-ion collisions. Unlike in the case of hyperons’ weak decay, vector mesons predominantly decay via parity conserved (strong or electromagnetic) interaction. Therefore, one cannot determine the direction of the polarization of vector mesons, and their polarization state is usually reported via so-called spin alignment measurements. The spin state of a vector meson is described by the spin density matrix ρmn. The diagonal elements of this matrix have a meaning of the probabilities for spin projections onto a quantization axis to have values 0,±1; ρ00 represents the probability for the spin projection to be zero. As sz=±1 projections cannot be distinguished, and the sum of the probabilities has to be unity, only one independent diagonal element, usually ρ00, can be measured. In the case of vector meson decay into two (pseudo)-scalar mesons, ρ00 can be determined directly from the angular distributions of the vector mesons decay products (given by the squares of the corresponding spherical harmonics)
The spin alignment, Δρ=ρ00−1/3, can be measured by directly analyzing cosθ* distribution given in Eq. (31), or considering 〈cos2θ*〉 as follows :
Taking also into account the event plane resolution74 one arrives to the equation
In the case of vector meson decaying into two fermions, e.g., J/ψ→e+e−, the interpretation of the final angular distribution in terms of the vector meson polarization is less straightforward, as it involves the spin wave functions of the daughter fermions. In this case the angular distribution of the daughter particles is often parametrized with a set of lambda parameters. For the distribution integrated over azimuthal angle, it reduces to
4.6. Detector acceptance effects
4.6.1. Polarization along the initial angular momentum
We start with deriving the correction for polarization measurements based on Eq. (25). For the case of an imperfect detector, one has to take into account that in the calculation of the average 〈sin(ΨRP−ϕ*)〉, the integral over solid angle dΩ*=dϕ*sinθ*dθ* of the hyperon decay baryon’s three-momentum p* in the hyperon rest frame, is affected by detector acceptance
Another set of equations can be derived for the method based on calculation of the 〈cosθ*〉 in Eq. (27). In this case
4.6.2. Polarization along the beam direction
For Pz measurement, we consider the average of 〈cosθ*B〉 using Eq. (18), where θ*B is the polar angle of the daughter baryon in its parent hyperon rest frame, relative to the beam direction
The factor Az can be determined in a data-driven way, similar to the acceptance correction factors in the global polarization measurement, and is typically close to unity.3
4.6.3. Acceptance effects in spin alignment measurements
Spin alignment measurements are significantly more difficult compared to the measurements of the hyperon polarization. The difficulty comes from the fact that while the acceptance effects in the polarization measurements can only change the magnitude of the effect, in the spin alignment measurement the acceptance effects could lead to false spurious signal. We demonstrate this below providing equations for the acceptance correction to the signal for the case of vector mesons experiencing elliptic flow.
One of the main tracking efficiency effects is due to different probabilities if vector meson reconstruction when the daughter particles are emitted along the momentum of the parent particles or perpendicular to that. A toy model study on decay daughters can show that such efficiency effect can be well parametrized by parameter a2 in the following equation :
Then following Eq. (34) and accounting for elliptic flow and efficiency effects, one finds
Similarly, this effect biases the flow measurement as
The equations above demonstrate only one example of the tracking efficiency effects leading to a spurious spin alignment signal. Another example was discussed in Ref. 76, where the authors investigated (and found to be significant) the effect of the finite rapidity acceptance on Δρ measurements.
5. Overview of Experimental Results
5.1. Global polarization of Λ hyperons
5.1.1. Energy dependence
Global polarization of Λ and ˉΛ hyperons has been measured in a wide range of collision energies. The first observation of nonzero global polarization was reported in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=7.7–39GeV in the first phase of the BES program (BES-I) at RHIC by the STAR Collaboration1; later it was also confirmed with a better significance at √sNN=200GeV.2 At the LHC energies the measurements were performed by the ALICE Collaboration.77 Figure 5 presents a compilation of the results of the global polarization measurements for Λ and ˉΛ hyperons at midrapidity for mid-central collisions as a function of collision energy. The polarization increases as the collision energy decreases. One would naively expect that the initial orbital angular momentum becomes larger at higher energy,49 therefore, the polarization would have the same trend, but this argument does not take into account that the initial angular momentum has to be spread over much larger rapidity region and more produced particles, and that the particle production at the midrapidity is almost boost invariant. Another reason for the observed energy dependence might be a dilution effect of the vorticity due to longer lifetime of the system at higher collision energies.

Fig. 5. Collision energy dependence of Λ and ˉΛ global polarization for mid-central heavy-ion collisions84 compared to various model calculations.49,71,80,82,83 The experimental data from the original publications are rescaled accounting for the recent update of the Λ decay parameters85 indicated in the figure.
Most of the theoretical calculations rely on the assumptions that (a) the system is in a local thermal equilibrium and (b) that the spin polarization is not modified at later nonequilibrium stages, e.g., by hadronic rescattering.78,79 Neither of these assumptions is obvious. Nevertheless, most of the calculations, based on different approaches, such as hydrodynamic models,49,80,81,82 chiral kinetic approach83 and a transport model,71 surprisingly well reproduce the observed energy dependence of the global polarization at the quantitative level, as seen in Fig. 5. Note that there still exists a disagreement between the data and models in differential measurements, which we discuss in the following sections. Based on Eq. (2), the vorticity can be estimated as ω≈kBT(PΛ+PˉΛ)/ℏ with T being the system temperature at the time of particle emission. The polarization averaged over √sNN in the BES-I results in ω≈(9±1)×1021s−1, leading to the finding of the most vortical fluid ever observed.1
From empirical estimates18 based on the directed flow measurements, see Sec. 2.1, the global polarization signal at the LHC energies is expected to be an order of a few per mill. The results from the ALICE Collaboration are consistent with zero with statistical uncertainties of the order of the expected signal. At lower energies, it is expected that the kinematic vorticity becomes maximum around √sNN=3GeV and vanishes at √sNN=2mN (mN is the nucleon mass) near the threshold of nucleon pair production because the total angular momentum of the system at such energies becomes close to zero.86,87,88 In such high baryon density region, the system would no longer experience a partonic phase but be in a hadronic phase during the entire system evolution. Therefore, it would be interesting to check whether the polarization changes smoothly with the beam energy. Recently, the STAR Collaboration has reported Λ global polarization in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=3GeV,84 followed by results on Λ global polarization in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=2.4GeV and Ag+Ag collisions at √sNN=2.55GeV by the HADES Collaboration.89 The results indicate that the global polarization still increases at these energies, although the current uncertainties may be too large to see the expected trend.
Calculation from the three-fluid dynamics (3FD)82 incorporating the equation of state (EoS) for the first-order phase transition (1PT) captures the trend of the experimental data. The 3FD model also shows sensitivity of the global polarization to EoS as seen in some difference in the calculations for the first-order phase transition and hadronic (HG) EoS.
5.1.2. Particle–antiparticle difference
As discussed in Sec. 2.2, the initial and/or later-stage magnetic field created in heavy-ion collisions could lead to a difference in the global polarizations of particles and antiparticles. The experimental results, presented in Fig. 5, do not show any significant difference in polarizations of Λ and ˉΛ, already indicating that the thermal vorticity, rather than the magnetic field contribution, is the dominant source of the observed global polarization. Figure 6 presents directly the differences in the global polarizations of Λ and ˉΛ as a function of √sNN.90 The new RHIC BES-II results from Au+Au collisions at 19.6GeV and 27GeV greatly improve the statistical uncertainty in the measurements, and show no significant difference between particle–antiparticle polarizations. Following Eq. (2), one could put an upper limit on the magnetic field effect assuming the local thermodynamic equilibrium for the spin degrees of freedom

Fig. 6. Collision energy dependence of the difference in global polarizations of and hyperons, . The figure is taken from Ref. 90.
It should be noted that several other sources could contribute to the polarization difference. Vitiuk et al.40 suggested that the different space-time distributions and emission times of and hyperons lead to the polarization difference. hyperons, emitted earlier in time, are less affected by the dilution of the vorticity with the system expansion, leading to larger polarization of . On the other hand, Guo et al.91 argued that the formation time of is smaller than that of , leading to larger polarization of . The actual situation might be even more complicated since the spin-orbit coupling may take place at quark level. Csernai et al.41 reported that the strong interaction with meson field could make polarization larger. The effect of chemical potential becomes important at lower energies as it appears in the Fermi–Dirac distribution (see Eq. (6)). Nonzero baryon chemical potential is expected to lead to larger polarization of ,42 though the effect may be rather small. The feed-down effects with nonzero baryon chemical potential might lead to the opposite relation23 but it would depend on the relative abundance at different phase space. Having these complications in mind, nonsignificant difference in the observed global polarization of and , , does not exclude a limited contribution from the magnetic field.
5.1.3. Differential measurements
Recently, available high statistics data permit to study global polarization differentially, as a function of centrality, transverse momentum and rapidity. Model calculations show that the initial angular momentum of the system increases from central to mid-central collisions and then decreases in peripheral collisions since the energy density decreases,10 but the vorticity, hence the global polarization, is expected to increase in more peripheral collisions.92 Figure 7(left) shows centrality dependence of global polarization in Au+Au collisions at GeV and 3GeV,2,84 where the increasing trend towards peripheral collisions can be clearly seen. Viscous hydrodynamics models80,93 qualitatively describe the centrality dependence of global polarization as shown in the figure.

Fig. 7. (Left) Centrality dependence of of polarization component in Au+Au collisions at GeV and 200GeV compared to viscous hydrodynamic model calculation.93 (Right) Rapidity dependence of compared to Particle-in-Cell Relativistic (PICR) hydrodynamics model97 and viscous hydrodynamic model CLVisc.96 Note that the data for 3GeV in the left (right) plot are scaled by 0.1 (0.2), and the average pseudorapidity for 200GeV is converted to the rapidity in the right panel.
As already mentioned, the “global” polarization refers to the polarization component along the system orbital angular momentum averaged over all particles and all momenta. The same component (denoted as ), but measured for a particular kinematics, can deviate from the global average; in this case the term “local” polarization is more appropriate. For example, the initial velocity shear resulting in the global vorticity would change with rapidity, i.e., the shear might be larger in forward/backward rapidity, also depending on the collision energy.92,94 Theoretical models such as hydrodynamics and transport models predict the rapidity dependence differently88,95,96,97,98; some models predict that the polarization goes up in forward (backward) rapidity while the others predict decreasing trend in larger rapidities. The hydrodynamic models using different initial conditions and frameworks also predict different trends (see Fig. 7(right)). The first study was performed at GeV2 as shown in Fig. 7(right) and no significant rapidity dependence was observed, which may be expected at high collision energy as the shear should be weaker at midrapidity because of longitudinally boost invariance. Recent measurement at GeV from STAR84 also found no strong rapidity dependence within , even at the rapidity close to the beam rapidity ( at GeV). Similarly, no dependence on rapidity is observed at GeV by the HADES experiment.89 The uncertainties of the data are still large and this question should be further studied in future analyses with better statistics and upgraded/new detectors.
It should be noted that the polarization component seems to have little dependence on the hyperon transverse momentum ,2,84,89,90 which qualitatively agrees with theoretical models that predict a mild dependence. Figure 8(left) shows hyperons’ transverse momentum dependence of the polarization along the system angular momentum in Au+Au collisions at GeV, compared to hydrodynamic model calculations with two different initial conditions23: Monte Carlo Glauber with the initial source tilt and UrQMD initial state. The UrQMD initial condition includes the initial flow from a preequilibrium phase that would affect the initial velocity field. Similar trend was also seen at lower collision energies.84,89,90

Fig. 8. polarization component of and as a function of (left) transverse momentum dependence and (right) charge asymmetry normalized with its RMS in Au+Au collisions at GeV. The figures are adapted from Ref. 2.
The STAR Collaboration also studied charge asymmetry () dependence of the global polarization for a possible relation to anomalous chiral effects.38 According to Ref. 99, the global polarization could be explained by axial charge separation due to the CVE. In addition, the axial current can be generated in the system with nonzero vector chemical potential under a strong magnetic field B (), chiral separation effect, where represents net electric charge of particles. For massless quarks, their momentum direction is aligned (anti-aligned) with spin direction for right-handed (left-handed) quarks. Thus the , if generated, might contribute to the hyperon global polarization. The event charge asymmetry defined as where is the number of positively (negatively) charged particles was used to study the possible relation with the polarization assuming . Figure 8(right) shows and global polarization as a function of for mid-central Au+Au collisions at GeV. There seems a slight dependence on and the slopes look different for and , although the effect is only at level. The effect of the chemical potential may be an alternative explanation of the difference if the charge asymmetry is correlated with the baryon number asymmetry.42,100
Azimuthal angle dependence of the polarization is also of great interest and has been the subject of debate. The experimental preliminary result from STAR101 shows larger polarization for hyperons emitted in the in-plane direction than those in the out-of-plane direction as shown in Fig. 9, while hydrodynamic and transport models predict it oppositely, i.e., larger polarization in the out-of-plane direction.26,80,95,102 Based on Glauber simulation shown in Fig. 2(b), one expects to be larger in the in-plane direction (x-direction in the plot), which is consistent with experimental results. As shown in Fig. 9, the calculation including only the contribution from the kinematic vorticity leads to the opposite sign, while the inclusion of the shear term leads to the correct sign. We discuss this question further in Sec. 5.4 together with the results on polarization along the beam direction in relation to the so-called “spin sign crisis”.

Fig. 9. Polarization of and hyperons along the initial angular momentum as a function of hyperons’ azimuthal angle relative to the second-order event plane in 20–50% Au+Au collisions at GeV (preliminary result from STAR101), comparing to the hydrodynamic model (vHLLE for 20–60% Au+Au collisions)103 where is a decoupling temperature assuming the isothermal freeze-out. This figure is taken from Ref. 103.
5.2. Global polarization of multistrange hyperons
Based on the picture of the rotating system, any nonzero spin particles should be polarized in a similar way, along the direction of the initial orbital angular momentum. According to Eq. (2), the magnitude of the polarization depends on the spin of particles. Thus it is of great interest to study the polarization of different particles with different spin. The STAR Collaboration reported global polarization of and hyperons in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions, see Fig. 10. Two independent methods (see Sec. 4.1.1) were used to measure polarization and the results combining and , and averaging over the two methods is found to be positive at the 2 level ( for 20–80% centrality), supporting the global vorticity picture. The cascade polarization is measured to be slightly larger than that of inclusive , but the significance of that is below 1. The results on global polarization hint even larger polarization indicating a possible hierarchy of but with large uncertainties. Based on Eq. (2), the following relation: is expected. Recent model study shows that this relation is valid only for primary particles, while it leads to after taking into account the feed-down contribution,73 which seems to be consistent with the data. More precise measurements are needed to clarify the particle/spin dependence of the global polarization.

Fig. 10. Global polarization of and hyperons compared to that of as well as transport model calculations. The figure is taken from Ref. 104.
It is worth mentioning that hyperon has larger magnetic moment () compared to those for () and (). Therefore, the polarization difference between and , if any, should be more sensitive to the magnetic field created in the collisions. Another thing to be mentioned is that one of the decay parameter is unknown, but expected to be close to either or (see Sec. 4.1.1). Assuming the vorticity picture, one can determine the sign of . Currently, the experimental result on global polarization has large uncertainty but future high statistics data will allow to resolve the ambiguity.
5.3. Global spin alignment of vector mesons
The vorticity should also lead to the global polarization of the vector mesons, such as and , revealing itself via global spin alignment.9,12 The first measurement of the spin alignment was made by the STAR Collaboration at RHIC using 200GeV Au+Au collisions in 2008105 but there was no clear signal taking into account the uncertainties of the measurement. More recently, the ALICE and STAR Collaborations reported finite signals,106,107 i.e., deviation of from . Figure 11 shows of and mesons as a function of collision centrality in a form of the number of participants from MC Glauber simulation, in Pb+Pb collisions at TeV. At lower , the results for both and mesons indicate . The STAR results on -meson show large positive deviation from () for GeV/c at lower collision energies, while results on are consistent with zero as shown in Fig. 12. The dependence of -meson spin alignment signal on transverse momentum and centrality is not systematic; the signal seems to change sign and become negative at higher transverse momenta as well as in more central collisions, At present, the dependence on transverse momentum and centrality cannot be explained in any scenario.

Fig. 11. Global spin alignment of and mesons shown as the spin density matrix element with quantization axis chosen along the system orbital angular momentum measured in Pb+Pb collisions at TeV by the ALICE Collaboration. The figure is taken from Ref. 106.

Fig. 12. and mesons spin density matrix element with quantization axis along the system orbital angular momentum in Au+Au collisions by the STAR experiment. The results are shown as a function of collision energy , transverse momentum and centrality. The figures are taken from Ref. 108.
Note that in the vorticity scenario, the spin alignments signal is expected to be very small . Taking into account the hyperon global polarization measurements presented in Fig. 5, the spin alignment signal should be of the order of at the top RHIC energy and of the order of at lowest BES energy, which is too small to explain the reported large deviation. If the vector mesons are produced via quark coalescence, of vector mesons can be expressed via the quark (antiquark) polarization as .12 If , which is consistent with the thermal approach.23 If the particle production for the of interest is dominated by fragmentation process, the approximates leading to , but the deviation is again expected to be very small.12 The only possibility to have large signal in the vorticity-based scenario could arise if the vorticity fluctuations are much larger than its average. Note that spin alignment signal is proportional to the (mean root) square of vorticity, while the hyperon polarization is proportional to its average.
Sheng et al.109,110 suggested that the mean field of -mesons could play a role in but not in because of mixing of different flavors. The model involving the strong force seems to explain the energy dependence of as shown with the solid line in Fig. 12. Note that in the given range the at the LHC is consistent with zero.
Charm quarks are produced via hard scattering of partons at the collision, with a time scale of . Therefore, one may expect larger effect of the initial magnetic field as well as vorticity on the polarization of which consists of charm and anti-charm quarks. The ALICE Collaboration reported inclusive polarization relative to the event plane in Pb+Pb collisions at TeV at forward rapidity ().111 Figure 13 shows polarization parameter (see Eq. (36)) as a function of centrality. Nonzero means finite polarization of . The observed signal of corresponds to , a large negative deviation from 1/3 and opposite to that of -mesons. This measurement was performed at forward rapidity () and the measurements at midrapidity both at the LHC and RHIC112 energies are needed for a better understanding of the phenomena. The regeneration mechanism of the production that becomes significant at the LHC energies, especially at low , might also complicate the interpretation of the data.

Fig. 13. Spin alignment of inclusive along the system orbital angular momentum in Pb+Pb collisions at TeV from ALICE Collaboration.111 The measurement was performed within and GeV/c.
Obviously, the spin alignment measurements still need further investigations, both theoretically and experimentally. These are difficult measurements, and as discussed in Secs. 4.5 and 4.6.3 strongly dependent on complete understanding of the tracking and acceptance effects. Future analyses, in particular based on new high statistics data will allow us to study the spin alignment in much more detail including other particles such as charged 113,114 and .115
5.4. Polarization along the beam direction
As discussed in Sec. 2.3, anisotropic transverse flow leads to nonzero vorticity component along the beam direction, with the direction of vorticity changing with the azimuthal angle,18,19 as depicted by open arrows in Fig. 3(left). The polarization along the beam direction was first measured with hyperons by the STAR Collaboration at RHIC.3 Later, it was also observed by the ALICE Collaboration at the LHC energy.116 As expected from the elliptic flow picture, exhibits a quadrupole or pattern as shown in Fig. 14(left). The polarization is quantified by a second-order Fourier sine coefficient and studied as a function of centrality, see Fig. 15. The results show a clear centrality dependence similar to that of elliptic flow except in most peripheral collisions. The polarization magnitudes at RHIC and the LHC are rather similar, indicating weak collision energy dependence unlike in the global polarization case.

Fig. 14. (Left) Raw signal of polarization along the beam direction, , of and hyperons as a function of azimuthal angle relative to the second-order event plane in Au+Au collisions at GeV.3 Hydrodynamic model calculations including kinematic vorticity and kinematic shear separately, as well as the sum of the two are shown by lines.103 (Right) Same as left figure for polarization relative to the third-order event plane in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at GeV.117

Fig. 15. The second-order sine modulation of polarization along the beam direction as a function of centrality at RHIC3 and the LHC116 compared to various model calculations.3,120 The experimental data are rescaled with decay parameter .85
It was found that hydrodynamic and transport models that successfully reproduce the energy dependence of the global polarization fail badly in predictions of the magnitude and the sign (phase) of the azimuthal angle modulation differently.3,19,20,96,97,102,118,119 This was true for several hydrodynamics models using different approaches and initial conditions. The chiral kinetic approach accounting for the nonequilibrium effects of the spin degrees of freedom gives the correct sign of the modulation.119 Interestingly, the Blast-Wave model which is a simplified model of hydrodynamics with a few freeze-out parameters45 (taken from STAR publication in 2005!) describes the data very well.3
More recently, two independent groups pointed out that accounting for contribution from the fluid velocity shear (see Sec. 3.2) might help to explain the disagreement between the data and theoretical calculations. As shown in Fig. 14(left), the contribution from the kinematic shear, as that in the hydrodynamic model,103 exhibits an opposite sign in modulation to that of the kinematic vorticity, and as a consequence, combining the two effects leads to a trend similar to the data if additionally the model assumes the isothermal freeze-out. Hydrodynamic model (MUSIC with AMPT initial conditions) including the shear contribution,120 and assuming that inherits the polarization from the strange quark, can also qualitatively describe the measurements including the centrality dependence as shown in Fig. 15. However, the predictions change to the opposite sign if the polarization is calculated using mass. It should be noted that the thermal vorticity and shear contributions are largely canceled out121,122,123,124 and the final result depends strongly on the detailed implementation of those contributions. Thus, the spin sign puzzle still needs more investigations.
As predicted in Ref. 18, higher harmonic anisotropic flow should also lead to a similar vorticity structure and polarization along the beam direction. Recently, the STAR Collaboration has reported polarization along the beam direction relative to the third harmonic event plane in isobar Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions GeV117; these results are shown in Fig. 14(right). The sine modulation of relative to the third-order event plane was observed similarly to the second-order case, indicating a sextupole pattern of vorticity induced by triangular flow as depicted in Fig. 3(right).
Figure 16(left) shows sine coefficients relative to the second- and third-order harmonic event planes as a function of centrality in the isobar collisions. The third-order result seems to increase toward peripheral collisions as the second order does. Calculations from hydrodynamic model with two different implementations of the SIP, based on Ref. 51 by Becattini–Buzzegoli–Palermo (BBP) and on Ref. 50 by Liu–Yin (LY), are also compared. The calculations with “SIPBBP” reasonably well describe the data for both the second and third orders except peripheral collisions. The calculation with “SIPLY” leads to the opposite sign to the data but note that it provides the correct sign if the mass of strange quark is used instead of mass as shown in Fig. 15. It is also worth to mention that the calculation with a nearly zero specific shear viscosity (denoted as “ideal hydro”) leads to almost zero sine coefficient, which indicates that the measurement could provide an additional constraint on the shear viscosity of the medium. Figure 16(right) shows dependence of the second- and third-order sine coefficients. The third-order result is found to be comparable in magnitude to the second-order result, slightly smaller at low and showing a hint of overpassing the second order at high . This trend is similar to what was observed in dependence of the elliptic and triangular flow,125 which further supports the picture of anisotropic-flow-driven polarization. The model incorporating the SIP of SIPBBP is comparable to the data at low but not the dependence in detail.

Fig. 16. The second- and third-order sine modulation of polarization along the beam direction as a function of centrality (left) and hyperons’ transverse momentum (right) in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at GeV.117 Solid and dashed lines are the calculations from hydrodynamic model with particular implementation of the SIP.124 See texts for the detail.
6. Open Questions and Future Perspective
Summarizing the discussion in Sec. 5, one tends to conclude that while the theoretical description of the global polarization, including its energy dependence, is rather good, our understanding of the local polarization measurements, in particular the azimuthal angle dependence of the polarization along the beam direction is far from satisfactory. Surprisingly, the data are much better described by “naive” Blast-Wave model including only nonrelativistic vorticity, than by more sophisticated hydrodynamical calculations (including contribution from temperature gradients and acceleration), which very often differ from the data at the qualitative level. Recent calculations including the SIP make the comparison somewhat better, but still unsatisfactory. The disagreements with theoretical models definitely need further investigation in future, including the role of different freeze-out scenarios, validity of Cooper–Frye prescription, relative contributions of kinematic vorticity, acceleration, SIP, SHE and temperature gradients. Comparison of more advanced calculations with new measurements should be also able to provide information of vorticity evolution and spin equilibration relaxation times.
From experimental point of view, in the next few years, several new precise measurements will be performed to shed more light on the topics of interest, such as particle–antiparticle polarization splitting, rapidity and azimuthal angle dependencies and particle species dependence. Below we list possible near-future measurements intended to provide more information on the vorticity and polarization phenomena in heavy-ion collisions.
• | Polarization splitting between particles and antiparticles, including particles with larger magnitude of the magnetic moment such as . It will further constrain the magnetic field time evolution and its strength at freeze-out, and the electric conductivity of QGP. | ||||
• | Precise measurements of multistrange hyperon polarization to study particle species dependence and confirm the vorticity-based picture of polarization. Measurement with will also constrain unknown decay parameter . | ||||
• | Precise differential measurements of the azimuthal angle and rapidity dependence of . | ||||
• | Detailed measurement of induced by elliptic and higher harmonic flow. In particular this study could help to identify the contribution from SIP, which is expected to be different for different harmonics. | ||||
• | Application of the event-shape-engineering technique126 testing the relationship between anisotropic flow and polarization. | ||||
• | Measuring to complete all the components of polarization and compare the data to the Glauber estimates and full hydrodynamical calculations. | ||||
• | Circular polarization to search for toroidal vortex structures | ||||
• | The particle–antiparticle difference in the polarization dependence on azimuthal angle at lower collision energies testing the SHE. | ||||
• | Understanding of the vector meson spin alignment measurements including new results with corrections of different detector effects. | ||||
• | Measurement of the hyperon polarization correlations to access the scale of vorticity fluctuations. | ||||
• | Measurement of the hyperon polarization in collisions to establish/disprove possible relation to the single spin asymmetry effect. |
7. Summary
The polarization phenomena in heavy-ion collisions appeared to be an extremely interesting and important subject overarching such questions as the nature of the spin and spin structure of the hadrons, evolution of the QGP and its hadronization, and finally the freeze-out of the system. While many, or better to say, most of the details of the entire picture is far from being even well formulated, it is clear that following this direction we might expect many important discoveries.
The observed global polarization of hyperons in heavy-ion collisions is found to be well described by hydrodynamic and microscopic transport models based on the local vorticity of the fluid averaged over the freeze-out hypersurface under assumption of the local thermal equilibrium of the spin degrees of freedom. Furthermore, the measurement of hyperon polarization along the beam direction confirmed the local vorticity induced by anisotropic collective flow, adding to the evidences of ideal fluid dynamics of the QGP. These measurements opened new direction to study the dynamics of QGP and spin transport in the hot and dense medium, triggering a lot of theoretical interest on spin dynamics in general. Despite the successful description of the average global polarization, when looking into the detailed comparison between the data and models in differential measurements, there are still many open questions to be solved. The spin alignment measurements of vector mesons are very intriguing, but far from satisfactory understanding. More precise measurements with different particle species and a wider detector acceptance that will be available in near future at RHIC and the LHC and future experiments at new facilities will be extremely helpful to shed light on existing issues.
The discussions with F. Becattini and C. Shen are gratefully acknowledged. S. Voloshin is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under Award No. DE-FG02-92ER40713. T. Niida is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP22K03648.
Takafumi Niida https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8736-5306
Sergei A. Voloshin https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1330-9096
a Note that for hyperons used in polarization measurements , where T is the temperature and is a hyperon mass.
b The nonrelativistic estimate can be also obtained by noting that the entropy of the rotating gas can be approximated as , where L is the orbital momentum, and I is the system inertia. Under condition of angular momentum conservation, , this leads to .
c is also constrained by the measurement of the product with the measured . Therefore, the change of also affects .
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